Bundeswehr Musterung?
Ich habe demnächst meine Musterung und habe Angst ausgemustert zu werden, da ich 171cm groß bin und nur 52kg wiege, also ein richtiger Lauch😂.
Sportlich bin ich definitiv, war bis vor einem halben Jahr noch richtig guter Ausdauer Fahrer beim Radsport, das erklärt auch mein Gewicht.
Muss ich jetzt Angst haben Ausgemustert zu werden?
In fact, according to the ZDV 46/1, which includes the requirements of patterning:
https://media.frag-den-staat.de › files › foi › 103027 › ZDv_046_001.pdf
a minimum weight of 56 kg is determined for a body length of 171 cm (see Appendix 2/2 and 3.1/3, GNr. 2). Among these, it can actually be that you do not get a viable numbness.
No, you don’t. If you don’t have chronic diseases, you’re fit and you’re in the process of recruitment.
Thank you, I’m calmed. Have seen a video on TikTok in which a sampled person wrote that he can only apply with “68kg”. Well, I don’t want to go to the KSK or something, and in the tank it is advantageous to be smaller and not so thick.
Listen to TikTok, there’s only garbage. Look at the official videos of the Bundeswehr like “The recruits”.
Did I and there was also a very petty recruit, I just wanted to go back to number.
Don’t worry. When I became a Marine Officer for decades ago, I had a kind of interview at the OPZ in Cologne. I was asked and squeezed out a lot, and at some point I fainted. I should betray my motives, and in my speech, I wanted to call “self confirmation”. Instead, I said self-satisfaction. I didn’t get sampled either.
Thanks for your comment, I’m not worried anymore. May I ask where you were Revz?
Not at all. I left after the OGL.