Bundeswehr Kleidung Flecktarn?
ich würde gerne wissen ob man als FWD, bt.91 Jäger der Kampftruppe, seine Uniform mit nachhause nehmen kann, bzw sie in Öffentlichkeit Tragen.
Ab März beginnt meine Aga, ich würde zudem gerne wissen wann das Feierliche Gelöbnis stattfindet und ob man dannach immernoch, die 6 Monate Probezeit hat.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Yes the uniform can be carried in the public you will see in the train also many soldiers who do this (of course the normal daily service uniform) so you can also wear the servant the solemn uniform on special occasions if you want.
You have 6 months of trial, always, whatever you do.
When the brazing takes place, nobody can tell you that’s different with every Aga.
Good answer, thank you.
You can do this privately by simply buying it and wearing it. Only then you can’t use a certificate.
Usually, after the brazing, the clothes may also be worn outside the service period (e.g. on the way from/to the service location).
This takes place when it takes place.
Sample time is trial time, 6 months are 6 months! It’s completely irrelevant when a brazing is held. It doesn’t change at the trial period.
BTW: Nice picture of what you stole from the day’s show. Did you get the rights of use there?
Thanks, naja is stop n quite normal picture of google idk. But thanks for the hint.
As a rule, this can be done after the greeting and the solemn brazing.
When service clothing is prescribed or prohibited, you will receive the most reliable answer.