Bundeswehr Einstellungstest Tipps?
Hallo Zusammen,
ich habe Demnächst meinen Einstellungstest bei der Bundeswehr! , ich mache seit vielen Wochen viel Sport (gehe Fahrradfahren, Fitnessstudio ect) da ich schon lange das ziel hatte zur Bundeswehr zu gehen.
Ich versuche mich Parallel auch gut auf den „Mathetest“ vorzubereiten. Hat da wer vielleicht Ideen was genau man da lernen könnte? ( Mathe ist jetzt nicht mein bestes fach, alle anderen Fächer sind jedoch super benotet bei mir)👍, und reicht es aus „grob“ etwas über die Bundeswehr zu wissen und das was gerade in, um und außerhalb Deutschlands geschieht? (Politisch&Wirtschaftlich ect)
+ Ist das Psychologen Gespräch wirklich so intensiv das man davor angst haben müsste? Höre das von vielen, Respekt vor den Gespräch habe ich aufjedenfall!
Vielen dank im vorraus, möchte den Test unbedingt bestehen! 😤 ( der Test ist in 2 Wochen)
Congratulations on your commitment and preparation for the recruitment test at the Bundeswehr! It is obvious that you have invested a lot of work and care in your preparations. Here are some tips that could help you in the different areas of the test:
If you’re still looking for a preparation that you’re most likely to get through your selection procedure, check out our Bundeswehr online test trainer: https://testhelden.com/product/bundeswehr adjustment test/
Remember, you’ve done a lot to prepare yourself, so trust in your skills and knowledge. Good luck with your test! You’re doing great!
Best regards,
Your TestHelden team.
For preparation for the recruitment test at the Bundeswehr, you can https://ettingstest-bundeswehr.de/ use. There you will find plenty of tips and exercises.
Hey! I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on in the Bundeswehr recruitment test because I work in another professional field. But in preparation for my recruitment test at the time, I found such an adjustment test simulation at the TestHelden.com site, where the content of the selection process can be played for all possible professional groups. Is there safe for the rifle.
Look over, maybe it helps. And you can also prepare for the selection process with such adjustment test trainers if you could use a little help in Mathe 🙂
I was there myself recently and can say at the CAT test you can’t fail!! and the psychologist test is quite okay there are questions in which alliances the Bundeswehr is, the current stakes, why you want to become a soldier, whether you take drugs, it could still happen who is the Minister of Defense or Foreign Minister.
In general, you can only fall through the sports test or examination
Great, thank you.
gladly, you help your comrades where you can only.
If you are still asking if anything is unclear just write
Of course, you can also fall through the CAT test, don’t write such a thing…
I was suburban and I was told you can’t fall through but be very bad
I only give what was said to me again!!
It’s nice you were there. Doesn’t change the fact that you can also fall through the CAT test. And whoever cuts off badly in the CAT test also has no chance of using it.
Hello, Makyma, you’re on a good way! A good preparation is the first step. If you practice the typical topics from the CAT test, it should actually work out.
The tasks start easily and become more and more difficult. You don’t have to answer everything right. Therefore, a good preparation is usually sufficient to pass.
Look over here on the side. You can do a free exercise test:
Online preparation for the recruitment test at the Bundeswehr.
Here a great video to.
As a FWDL, you absolutely don’t have to worry, I don’t even know if you need a CAT and sports test. I didn’t have to do that half a year ago.
Besides, they tend to be there and if you are physically suitable, the bar is not high, and no extremist will take you safe.
In my letter of invitation I have to test sports and CAT, am 2/5 days in Mainz. And many thanks for the answer!!