Bundeswehr doch nichts für mich?
Hey Januar in der AGA und habe Widerruf gemacht da ich den Beruf doch zu sehr unterschätzt habe und ich psychisch und physisch nicht klarkomme. Da ich sehr unsportlich bin. Ich habe auch private Probleme (Schulden), was mir nicht aus dem Kopf lässt. Deswegen will ich erstmal um die Probleme kümmern.
Ist das erstmal die Richtige Entscheidung?
What did you expect to earn money without compensation?
You did not know the profession correctly, the GA is only a small part of the commitment period.
as a rule, this changes through the GA
You already had debts clearly before the start of service, what has changed now?
without job and regulated income…
“HaudeginAlexa” has already explained it. After two weeks of basic training, no judgment can be formed.
After the GA, the daily routine is normalized to the greatest extent and the service is widely similar to a job in the free economy.
Countless people have gone the way in the past decades and most of them have successfully taken the service.
I find it irritating that you voluntarily go to the Bundeswehr and suddenly after 2 weeks of basic training notice that you are unsportable. But now you’re here and I would have said: they’ll get you ready and after basic training, they’ll be remixed anyway!
You’ve had the debts before. You’ll have them if you leave the Bundeswehr and find a new job.
I don’t want to get too close to you, but for me that sounds like excuses. You might have had other expectations, and now you realized that everything is not so easy. I’d rather guess: Ass cheek together and pull through!
In the end, you will always meet things that are unpleasant or difficult in professional life. And wherever you work, you and your problems are always there!
Everyone wants a good and happy life. But you don’t get it when you always go the easiest way and you always go directly to everything when it gets difficult.
So I can’t really understand. You’re here two weeks. You should definitely have waited for the basic training and look at how you liked it in your tribal unit.
You’ll get rid of debt by earning money.
If you throw your job, there’s no money…