Bundesländer mit Feuerwehr ohne Rettungsdienst?
Hallo zusammen,
gibt es in Deutschland Berufsfeuerwehren, die kein Rettungsdienst fahren?
Sprich nur 24 Stunden-Schichten im Brandschutz?
Wenn ja, welche Berufsfeuerwehr wäre dies bzw. welches Bundesland?
J. Nold
This is not even so rare.
In principle, firefighters and rescue services are located at two very different levels of administration. The fire department is a municipal task of the city or Municipality, the rescue service is the county.
It is now that larger cities often unite several levels of administration. For example, we are responsible for Hamburg at the same time as the municipality, county and federal state and then also for their tasks.
And if a city now unites at least community and county levels and is accordingly responsible for both the fire brigade and the rescue service, it may make great sense to use the fire brigade as a service provider in the rescue service. Then, if necessary, Weapons, workshops, logistics and procurement, as well as personnel, and use potentials of effectiveness and efficiency.
For example, if I look for Schleswig-Holstein: there are currently 5 professional firefighters: The four non-circular cities Kiel, Lübeck, Flensburg and Neumünster carry out the rescue service in their own right, with the fire department being the main service provider supported by other providers and in Flensburg being equal to Falck. In the circular city of Norderstedt, on the other hand, the fire brigade is not integrated into the rescue service, but is carried out by the RKiSH.
Yes, there are, of course. This is even true for most professional firefighters. In Germany, few professional firefighters are also service providers in the regular rescue service. It is, however, that every member of the professional fire brigade has to acquire the qualification as a rescue worker during his training. This is so prescribed by law and completely independent of an activity of firefighters in the rescue service. There are also professional firefighters, which are not included in the regular rescue service, but which still have their own ambulances or ambulances. These vehicles then serve for the medical protection of their own firefighters in the event of prolonged firefighting operations, so that a vehicle of the rescue service does not have to be ready to secure them for hours.
This applies, for example, to all professional firefighters in Rhineland-Palatinate (with the exception of the BF Trier).
In general, as my previous speakers had mentioned, relatively few professional firefighters are service providers in the rescue service in southern and southwest Germany.
In Baden-Württemberg, everyone up to Stuttgart and there is only one of five guards with a rescue service (and NEF).
I imagine that e.g. the fire department Baden-Baden has a professional firefighter for a few years, but no RTW. My in Karlsruhe is also like this (where they have a professional firefighter for a long time).
The largest part of the careers in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria!
As far as I know, Munich has RTW in service, but the other BF does not.
Nuremberg too. I also don’t know about it and in Baden Württemberg BF Stuttgart RTW has served
Please write this to the questioner and not me!
There are. The next BF from here is in Kaiserslautern, because the fire department is not responsible for the rescue service, even if any operational force has training in the rescue service.
There are even some. What federal state is it?