Bullenring Nasenpiercing als Junge tragen?
Hey Leute wie findet ihr für einen Jungen solch ein Piercing mittig durch die Nase, Bullenring, Septum ?
Man sieht das ja häufiger bei Mädels, aber eher selten bei Jungs.
Ich finde solch einen Bullenring sehr cool und würde mir gerne einen stechen lassen, dann aber auch nicht so einen ganz dünnen Ring wie man oft sieht. Ich habe Bilder gesehen wo Jungs 4 oder 5 mm dicke Ringe drin haben und das gefällt mir sehr gut, sieht dann halt echt krass aus, wie ein Bullenring eben, aber wenn schon dann soll es auch auffallen, habe sonst noch keine Piercings.
Was denkt ihr? Ist so ein Bullenring cool für einen Jungen oder ist das eher ein Mädels-Ding?
The Septum is a piercing which is liked by both sexes.
A 4mm first bet is not sensible, in most people the Sweet Spot is not nearly as big. Better to pierct it normal and expand.
Greetings from Andrea from Dortmund (Piercerin & Bodymodderin since 1989)
Yes safe, why not
Knowing some of them, I think it’s less for the sex and more for the face, but you’ll be able to judge that so go for it!
Well, it doesn’t matter to the person. Had a few people seen it somehow didn’t look so cool now. What I want to say is you can do it but there are only few who can wear this stuff
I think it’s cool for every sex if it’s something, and if you want a bull ring, wear it!
I personally find septums but usually not so great, but this is a matter of taste
Why not! If you like it. Nippelpiercings would definitely stand you too.
A few years ago, I had a septum stabbed.As a devoter I find it beautiful and it is very practical.
How practical?
For BDSM games
I would. After a month, you can start stretching.
As a man, I would take 6 mm or more as a target.
I myself still have 10 mm, stretch on 12. carry tunnel with 8 mm horseshoes or horseshoes and clamping ball ring in 10 mm.
goes safe also for young when holding ne nose has which fits nem septum.
BWP would also be cool with you 🙂
If you like it, go for it. But stretching can get really uncomfortable in place.
if that’s what I’d like to make it straight 4mm thick.
Of course, it goes, but it’s going to be nice.
It’s cool with boys too! I stretched my septum to 20mm and tunneled and carried several creoles in it. Very horny when sneaking in the metal ring…
20 mm? How are you eating? Oh well eating is not so important for both of us *lach*
ne doesn’t look good. neither type nor women.
Septum-Piercing is a unisex piercing that is about the same common among girls and boys.
Our children now have all Septum piercings, including my step son.
Very cool. How old are they all?
Step daughter 20, step son 17, daughter 17, daughter 12;
I think I’m good. How old are your kids and how old were they when they got their septum?
My stepdaughter had one when I met her, my big daughter and my step son were 15, my little daughter 11.
In the interests of animal welfare, it is no longer customary to chain farm animals to the nose ring in the stable.
It wasn’t about animals?
If you want to wear a nose ring, you’re on the chain in the stable!
Have a Septum ring for a long time….
My opinion: