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A clear J E I N
There are certain garments (heaths, blouses) that need to be ironed
jeans or underwear etc. I do not iron
Seersucker bed linen you don’t have to iron
My mother was a total iron fan…. there was the iron constantly in use.
I didn’t take it that way
It is important at the end that everything is nicely put together after it comes from the dryer
This often saves the iron
LG Angel
These are true words. Only ironing what is absolutely necessary and that can take a little longer.^^^^^^
S O I see it as well….deine Angel
Thanks for the star*
Different. Some garments must be ironed; I have a few blouses and fabric pants, which otherwise simply look stupid. It doesn’t help if I immediately hang them on the bow after washing. If the wrinkles aren’t strong, I’ll take my steamer. I love ironing, I’m having fun. Only it is often that you have to get out of the house quickly and then the garment you want to wear is not ironed. Aargh!
Only what really needs to be ironed and is still foldable despite smoothing. I’m glad I almost got jeans in with Elasthan. It saves a lot of work.
The laundry is neatly folded and put together, then under the other pieces of laundry, and everything is smooth when you need it again.
Whether clothing such as t-shirts or bed linen.
Do not iron my everyday clothes.
Exceptions are shirts.
It depends.
Generally not, I put shirts warm out of the dryer and put them directly together. Then they’re smooth. Same with jeans, bed linen, towels. Underwear is simply put together, even cold.
But I have some shirts made of material mix and I have to iron them.
in some garments yes, e.g. in a shirt or a tshirt that is slightly trembling
I don’t care. Sleeping suits, underwear and socks, for example, not.
But jeans, t-shirts, polo shirts, normal shirts and sweaters are ironed.
If someone has crooked clothes, it’s ne Red Flag for me 😅😂
Also in blue or green clothes?
had almost been laughing
Thought you were so sarcastically asking if blue and red clothes would also be nee Red Flag because they aren’t red😂 sorry there I probably interpreted your question differently 😂😂
About what?
Absolutely, yes.
I can’t stand dress trembling; I’ve got everything to be ironed.
Love greetings ☀️ ☀️ ☀️
I think I don’t even own an iron… These temple tiles were the only reason for me to have one – and since the fuck are…
Only my shirts otherwise not and yes, I do it myself. But the suit comes in the cleaning.
What for? Don’t wear shirts so often and that’s the only garment that needs to be ironed with me.
For a special occasion, otherwise not.
I don’t even own an iron. Things that should be ironed, like blouses, I don’t even wear. If a wrinkle interferes with my cargo pants, I’ll just get rid of the smooth iron
Certain shirts and cotton pullis. Of course.
And of course textile napkins.
Blouses, and shirts that come out of the laundry very shattered and do not hang out are ironed. Otherwise I’m not a temple fan.
From time to time, I’m a man. It usually makes my wife because she’s home
My employees, do that.
My mother always does it, but I don’t understand why. Fabric just gets wrinkles. So what?
Comment back in here:
I have to disclaim that this is not the case with all garments.
I have to disclaim that this is not the case with all garments.
Bzw extremely rare.
I just feel comfortable when my clothes are crisp.
I have no clothes to iron, even the bed linen is Seersucker.
If someone doesn’t know that.,voltages%20der%20Kettf%C3%A4den%20beim%20Webprocess.
Almost never
I have no iron