Bügelt ihr all eure Sachen?
Ich bügel nämlich wirklich alle meine Kleidungsstücke. Sogar meine Socken etc.
Es muss halt alles einfach glatt aussehen, und sich weich anfühlen.
Habe allerdings gesehen, dass fast keiner seine Sachen bügelt, sondern nur sowas wie Hemden etc.
Underwear and socks are not included. In addition, I don’t like an ironed knee in the sleeves, no matter what it is, whether T-shirt, sleeping suit or shirt.
I never iron underwear, towels and stockings.
Why should you iron socks?!
If I don’t have a nerve on it, I’ll put the things in the cleaning.
Bügle almost nix, have better things to do with my life as a blunt quadratmeter-by-size bed linen.
In the meantime, less than ever.
At work I had to iron bed sheets for a while, and baby bodies.
I do not iron my things
Nothing. We had a sub-official at the Bundeswehr, who came with temple folds in the martial uniform, that was deterrent.
I iron everything until it’s smooth.
Depends on what…
Actually, it’s all about the leash.
Exhaust, maybe.
My time is too bad for such a nonsense. I’ll go to a tablecloth at the most before festivities.