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So the “Commissioner Plattfuß” series is the best thing BS has ever turned on solo films.
But I also like “They called him mosquito” and “The Bomber”.
Only the films, the BS and TH together have turned, this can still partially surpass.
These are my favorites:
“The crocodile and his hippopotamus”, “Two heavenly dogs on the way to hell”, “The left and right hand of the devil” and “Four Fäusten für ein Halleluja”.
The two were really a fantastic duo, but they both as solo artists made excellent films.
You’ve sweetened my childhood and I still like to see most of your movies again and again.
I can do it wonderfully!
Best sentence: “Father ours, who you are in heaven, if you can save one, then save me.”
But this has nothing to do with Kommisar Rizzo.
Yeah, this one, for example.
Also from this film:
“Have anyone ever pulled a crown with a suggestion hammer?”