Ich schreibe momentan ein Buch, indem es um ein Mädchen (14 und psyschich krank) geht. In dem Buch sind sehr viele poetry slams und sie schreibt auch immer poems. Ich brauche noch einen Namen für das Buch(Englisch).
Wäre cool wen ihr paar Vorschläge etry
What seems so spontaneous:
“Whispers of the Soul”
“Verses of a Troubled Mind”
“Echoes of a Fragile Heart”
Are the suggestions of ChatGPT? I don’t think that’s critical, but because I have made similar proposals when I asked myself.
No, the first is the name of a song. The other is from a book entitled “Thoughts of a Troubled Mind” just changed it a bit because I thought it would fit better because the main character writes a lot. Just like “Fragile Heart” is also a book.
This is completely different from my proposal. Most books have something in themselves with Soul, Echo, Whisper etc. Would you know if you read a lot?
It was just funny that when I entered the text from above as a prompt (in ChatGPT 3.5) the following came out: A matching title for your book could be “Whispers of a Troubled Soul”. This title conveys the impression of poems and the inner world of the mentally ill girl.
Yes, if you read a lot and then you often consider which book titles would be good.
Okay, thanks for the info 🙂