Bücher lesen bringt das was?

Ich hab so oft gehört das wissen immer in Büchern steckt . Viele sagen Bücher lesen macht schlau stimmt das ? Habe mir Bücher bestellt von Mike tyson und Che Guevara . Einfach so zum lesen . Wen man einfach lesen gut wird man dadurch schlauer ? Und wen ja warum ? Mein Chef meinte Bücher machen Menschen . Bücher lesen macht schlau . Ist das ernsthaft so ?

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4 months ago

I’m saying it depends. Books certainly stimulate more than TV shows. If books are valid in content, they expand their knowledge/general education (or even special knowledge).

It is essential to what extent thinking is influenced by suggestions. These suggestions, if they are not based on truth, can lead to a faulty to completely perishable world image.

Books quite encourage thinking, but a really dialogue with the book is not possible. Only in discourse can one examine content for the truth content and also determine whether one has understood it.

4 months ago

An old German proverb says:

Reading is immense.

I ordered books from Mike tyson and Che Guevara. Just like reading.

Look. Choiceless in the book box 🤔

I’m not a fighter with boxing gloves, with Che Guevara you definitely made a very good grip.

Che Guevara was a revolutionary leader, doctor and author who played a central role in the Cuban revolution.

For many, he is a symbol of resistance to imperialism and injustice, while others consider him a violent revolutionary. His image, often known as Che, has become an iconic symbol used in pop culture and political movements worldwide. Guevara’s writings, especially “The Guerilla Warbook”, have inspired many revolutionaries and his ideas on guerrilla warfare and social justice are still relevant today.

His life inspires many who fight for social justice and freedom.

Reading books brings what?

A clear YES.

Reading can be truly helpful in many everyday situations.

Reading textbooks, articles and/or online promotes knowledge and understanding in various topics such as here on GF.

Equally Technical literature, industry reports or training materials improve skills and help to stay up-to-date.

Information about nutrition, fitness or mental health can be obtained by reading articles or books.

For many readers guides and blogs help in planning travel and understanding cultures.

Guides and textbooks on hobbies such as cooking, crafting, gardening or craftsmen expand knowledge and skills.

In particular, books with light literature address a broad readership and are well suited for relaxed reading hours. The light literature often includes entertaining, accessible and often humorous texts that can be read well. For example, novels that deal with everyday topics, short stories, poems of Crimea or also children’s and youth books. Authors such as Astrid Lindgren, Kishon, Sophie Kinsella and Jojo Moyes.

Generally, reading contributes to enriching life and promoting personal and professional development.

Have fun with your two books ordered.

Many greetings

4 months ago

You can’t say that in principle. It always depends on what one reads for books and what knowledge one had before.

Reading often helps to improve your own spelling and grammar. By the way, it doesn’t matter if you use books or Internet articles as long as they have been properly written, so even they are not full of mistakes. If both are properly controlled or recourse to the wrong literature, you will not be able to draw any more from it.

Reading can also extend the vocabulary of a person.

In addition, new knowledge can be drawn from specialist literature. But here, too, you have to choose a book that suits your current state of knowledge. The professor will certainly not be able to draw much from the textbook for primary students.

4 months ago

I’m often too comfortable for it. But if I take one hand, I learn more in an hour than in several days without reading.

Find this every time surprising and extremely violent

But it depends on what you read. Romans and that’s not my stuff.

But what interests me does not necessarily have to interest you, so a book of me might be a waste of time for you.

But almost everything can learn with books. Books about everything

4 months ago

Basically, I would say. I usually read textbooks….
But I had already read books, which I was able to classify rather than temporal conspiracy and nothing legend.

Jo .. Reading books or reading what you get into your hands is very educational!

4 months ago

Read expands knowledge, its own horizon, language and vocabulary and imagination. Of course depends on what you read. At the 10th novel by Sebastian Fitzek the effect is low.

4 months ago

Yes, definitely.

4 months ago

Well, have you read some of them and can you judge it?

4 months ago

I’ll tell you the words George R. R. Martins:

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

4 months ago

Jain. Books are a medium that can make you.
It’s about what you read. Reading promotes your language understanding.
The content can be questionable, especially to Che Guevara.
On the Internet you can also form on TV and on YT.
It depends on what you consume.

4 months ago

It definitely improves spelling.

4 months ago

Reading hurts stupidity.