Buch über Stiefmutter?
Hallo, kurz meine Geschichte, hab mit 13 meine Mama verloren, bin dann zu meinen Vater und seiner Freundin gezogen, hab mich bis dahin gut mit ihr vertragen, sind shoppen gefahren etc., 2-3 Monate nachdem meine Mutter verstorben war, würde die Freundin von meinen Vater schwanger und schleichend gemeiner zu mir.
Angefangen hat es das sie meine Wäsche nicht mehr gewaschen hat (was ansich kein Problem ist, doch die Art und Weise wie es passiert ist, war sehr herablassend), bishin das ich nichtmal mehr Wäsche waschen/aufhängen durfte und eine eigene Waschmaschine im Garten draußen bekommen habe und eine Wäscheleine zwischen Bäumen gespannt habe.
Das sind noch die milden Vorfälle, letztlich ist es soweit gegangen, dass ich ausgezogen bin, weil ich diesen ständigen Terror nicht ausgehalten habe.
Ich war in der Pubertät, vielleicht ab und zu bisschen zickig, aber ich wollte ihr immer alles recht machen, da ich einen „Mama Ersatz“ gesucht habe.
Jetzt bin ich 26 und merke dass das sehr viel mit mir und meiner Psyche gemacht hat, Psychotherapie kann ich mir momentan leider nicht leisten, werde ich aber anstreben, jetzt meine Frage wisst ihr vielleicht Bücher die dass verhalten von ihr bisschen erklären oder sowas ähnliches ?
Please talk to your doctor and contact a therapy facility if you are legally insured, the checkout will pay your therapy.
I’m from Austria, are the therapy hours limited?
Did recent protests come to some place for a year?!
But I’ll talk to my doctor, thanks for your help.
Thanks for the award and you a lot of success.
A psychotherapy would take over the health insurance, mostly. You have to make an application, then the therapist.
My daughter was the bare horror at 15-17, I can tell you. As a mother, I’ve had a hard time crumbling. Her own mother is also something completely different than a stepmother. If she wanted to lead you to more self-employment, it’s absolutely fine.
Do you really think the experiences with the evil stepmother have led to your current problems with the psyche?
I could imagine that your mother’s presumably unprocessed loss is more likely to hit you. You lost her early and she’s probably still missing you.
Think about it.
Book recommendation:
You have nothing to tell me!: Being a stepmother is nothing for cowards
by Susanne Petermann
I’m sure I haven’t processed my mother’s loss.
I take that very positively what you wrote, thank you for your words.
The way to self-employment would not be shown to me, I was pushed in, I was not a rebel, never, never dared to express my opinion or was overall very reserved. I was more chaotic, my room usually had inadvertently more on the way and wisely strenuous.
The things she did felt like I was undesirable for me. Never told my father about it because I was afraid that he was forced to put himself on one side and the risk that I stand alone was too great at that time. (Today I see it differently, but I was young just didn’t know better)
Some situations he has come and defended me, zb at lunch they mean in a louder sound that I should finally stop to smash, then my father to her, which she should please let me eat in peace, that I can’t do anything for that because my mouth was closed and that I can never do it right to her. (After that, eating for me was always pure stress before her, thinking how I “smacked” less despite my closed mouth because I wanted her to like me.)
But what you mean, I’m going to meet my big brother, he’s alcoholic, and so he’s inconspicuous, as she said to my father, that he should put him on the street, so that he “throws” and gets better.
I’ll read the book, maybe there’s another way of seeing me!
That sounds reasonable. Look at this…deine stepmother was almost overwhelmed. She has received the relationship with your father under other conditions. Just her + him. Family planning was actually different. That your mother would die and you’d come to you, no one saw coming. That’s why I think it’s great that she took the situation that way. Having a baby and a pubi teat is certainly not easy.
Maybe you’ll be able to be thankful to her despite everything, rather than evil. Your father seems to love her very much, because she could have gone too.