Buch selbst erstellen – wie?
Hallo! Ich will für den Geburtstag einer Freundin selbst ein kleines Buch machen.
Das soll nicht viele Seiten haben, aber es müsste schon mit einem richtigen Cover sein. Hat jemand eine Idee, wo/wie ich sowas machen kann?
At Amazon you can do this and also order a print copy.
Maybe Bod would be something for you:
Otherwise there is still tredition:
I mean, you can make the cover free of charge at tredition (they have tools for it on their website.
You can create a book set with any text processing program that can embed fonts into a fully stored file, such as MS Word or Libre Office Writer.
You can print a book at almost every print shop. Just look at you on site, but you can also find dozens of providers online with a simple Google search.
What is the content? For a cover design, you can use Canva
Polar Services GmbH
I ordered my photo books with “Pixum”. You can make the pages very good, bring texts, patterns. Wallpapers…
The price depends on the number of pages and the chosen paper.