Buch Seiten Anzahl?
Hey Leute,
ich will meinem Freund ein Buch schreiben (ich werde es auch professionell drucken lassen) indem ich über unsere Meilensteile, Zukunft und noch mehr schreibe. Jetzt hab ich mir das mal überlegt wie viele Seiten es ca. wären und ich würde im Taschenbuchformat (A5) auf insgesamt 28 Seiten kommen.
jetzt frag ich mich ob das nicht zu wenig ist. Und ob ich es lieber lassen sollte. Ich meine 28 Seiten im A5 Format, das ist doch Nix.
es ist nur schwierig weil ich ja keine erfundene Geschichte schreibe sondern über unser Leben & unsere Beziehung.
meint ihr ich soll es lassen weils zu wenig ist oder hat jemand Ideen was man vielleicht noch als „Kapitel“ hinzufügen kann?
This is definitely a nice idea! I think you should end it. 28 pages are not little, with a few tricks you can get a few more pages together.
• Details (Go to detail, describe your feelings and thoughts as accurately as possible during the various experiences.)
• Sense impressions (describing your sensory impressions in some situations. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel on the skin? Describe the sensory perceptions as precisely as possible, e.g. what do you smell when kissing? What do you feel in a hug? Are his hands sweaty? If so, why?)
• Metapher, comparisons, personifications (use such means, they illustrate your text and make it more alive)
• Maybe you can also add pictures
On the one hand you can decorate it nicely or add it with pictures. Look at the current providers – they have a number of layout templates that are suitable for this. And if it’s just 28 pages, that’s it. That doesn’t make the book better or worse.
So if it’s in a pocketbook format, I’d appreciate it’s short and understand why you have doubts. There are also narrow pocketbooks, but these are usually comics. You knnntest to convert your book to a comic, but if that’s nothing for you, then I would either recommend you to print the font larger or add more and go into detail. But it’s a nice idea that you shouldn’t give up so quickly and 28 pages are more than you like, and I find them completely rich.
That’s a really nice idea! Definitely do it no matter if there aren’t so many pages. But giving up such a good idea would be a shame!
You don’t have to just write about the biggest and most important moments, but also little ones you remember and have meant a lot to you or him. In addition, you can of course decorate parts even more (e.g. write how you felt etc.) or decorate with pictures/drawings if it really bothers you so much.
If you like your book so much and you don’t necessarily find something missing, then just leave it like that, your friend is sure!
No book has too little pages. A book is a book and if that means a lot to you, do it.
Of course you can make it more detailed and add images. Or you can write the experiences again from his point of view.
But all this doesn’t matter if you’re as happy as it is and want to print it, then do it.
28 pages don’t sound much unless you’ve been together for 1-2 years.
Make the text a bit, perhaps mention general things
That’s what I thought. On the contrary, we are 5 years together but this was the first Corona and then we moved because of our studies and now have a distance relationship, we could not yet make great experiences except weekend trips.