Buch schreiben :) Ideen?
Ich wollte auf Wattpad eine Geschichte veröffentlichen. Habe aber gar keine Ahnung was. Habt ihr vielleicht Ideen, was ich schreiben könnte?
Wäre euch sehr dankbar. 🥲
LG firepaw123 🌺🫶🏻
Ich wollte auf Wattpad eine Geschichte veröffentlichen. Habe aber gar keine Ahnung was. Habt ihr vielleicht Ideen, was ich schreiben könnte?
Wäre euch sehr dankbar. 🥲
LG firepaw123 🌺🫶🏻
Ich schreibe eine WaCa FF und überlege noch mit den Namen der beiden Clans und deren Anführer. Könnt ihr mir ein paar Clannamen empfehlen und vielleicht einen Steckbrief für den Anführer machen. Danke im Voraus
Hallo zusammen, ich habe schon seit Wochen Probleme beim Lesen mit der Kurz Proza von Almueda Grandes und habe sie endlich mehr oder weniger durch und verstanden. Allerdings frage ich mich, inwiefern ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Inhalt und dem Titel besteht. Ich hoffe jemand von euch hat die Erzählung schonmal gelesen, ansonsten ist sie hier…
Hallo! Ich habe ein kurzes philosophisches Gedicht über Schicksal und Leben geschrieben und möchte ihre Bewertungen bekommen. Wie finden Sie dieses Gedicht? Danke. Wir wissen nicht, was bringt es morgen, das Glück, den Kummer oder Sorgen. Und diesem ewigen Verstehen, dem möchten wir bestimmt entgehen. Die Angst und Furcht bringt es uns immer, was wird…
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Terrifier fsk16 und fsk18? Beide dauern 1:22:57 Stunden aber müsste die fsk16 Version nicht kürzer sein , da sie ja geschnitten ist?
Haut mal raus. Kriterien sind: Film/Serie wurde NACH 2010 veröffentlicht. Film/Serie ist kein absichtlicher Trash (wie z.B. Sharknado etc…). Also es geht um Filme/Serien die unfreiwillig schlecht sind. Gerne auch was ihr daran so schlecht fandet: Handlung, Schauspieler, CGI…? Bonusfrage: Habt ihr abgebrochen und es durchgezogen und fertig geschaut 😀 Ich komm da drauf, weil…
Habt ihr irgendwelche realen Vorkommnisse, die ihr vielleicht als Kind erlebt hab? Möchte eine Kurze Hororstorie schreiben Zum Beispiel Schlafwandeln, Schlafpapralysen, seltsame Gestalten die ihr Mal gesehen habt?
Ne mixture of all the 👌
Yeah, I was thinking. 👍🏼
You should start thinking about a conflict for history. The conflict arises from the goals, wishes and dreams of the main characters and at least one figure, a circumstance or a force that directly counteracts the achievement of these goals, wishes and dreams.
These conflicting interests result in gratifications and these make the story exciting. These reams have to become bigger and bigger until they unload in the climax of history.
The objectives can be completely banal. It is only important that there is something that does not want these goals to be achieved.
For example, if a figure wants its rest, it must be constantly disturbed (classical setting for cartoons).
If, for example, a figure wants to win a race, there must be opponents who want to come to the first destination.
And so on and so on.
If you have it, you’ll get it all around. Why do the characters want what they want? Is something for her on the game if anything? Who are the characters? What is her past? Where are they in their lives, where are they going? and so on and so on.
And then you just have to write this down and your story is done.
yaui on ice would be something new as pondon to the contrary
Boys and Girls Love are always coming. So there are many stories about it. And others are coming.
You’ve done a lot. I will take back now, because a 13-year-old fired me here 9 years ago because she considered my advice as a critique of her natural genius.
Start with a short story. And then it should be something that moves you. Where the blood of the heart is in it and not anything without choice.
There are many good, thick books on the subject if you’re serious.
You should write that you can write. The genres are partly very different in the spelling styles. Just do that you like it, that’s what you read. Best is always a mixture of both. For example, I don’t stick to a genre and just write.
I hope I could help you.
PS What’s your name on Wattpad?
It’s my personal favorite. You should choose what you like 🙂
Perhaps what Lord of the Rings moderate or the same, what else would be anything about an apocalypse but in no case anything about LGBTQ
Best of your favorite fandom in high school, with gaaaanz many shippings, and then you build this story great, just to finish it after 2 chapters.
If I don’t have an idea, I don’t need to start writing.
It was a question you prefer metalfreak123 apparently did not quite understand 🙂
If writers do not have their own ideas, they would hardly publish their books.
You have to find your own ideas and you can write them first in your laptop or on the PV.
If you know yourself with dangers on the net, you should also know that your ideas can steal as long as you don’t let your ideas protect.
Why should I make my stories available to the public if I could earn money with a publishing house for lousy labor – possibly months of work).
I would never publish my devotees on the Internet.
If I were to find a proofreader for my book, he could help with the genre of my book.
However, the counter-reading does not cost much, but for this the book then has hand and foot and printers have a different style of writing than when you write it first.
Lektore also know many publishers who might recommend us.
Why do you want to write something if you don’t have an idea? Good authors don’t have to ask others about ideas, but they have
You seem to have misunderstood my love. You’re not quite wrong, but I just asked for ideas from other people to be able to orient myself to ideas.
where is the difference? You need ideas from others to find your own.
Just combine the ideas.