Buch name?
Ich schreibe Grade ein Buch in dem es um ein Mädchen geht das auf eine Zauber schule geht es ist so in richtung Very bad Kings(fals das wehr kennt)nur so mit Magie (also kein Kinderbuch) und dort halt von Einer Gruppe zerstört wird hat wer eine namens Idee(am besten englisch)
An author should already rule the German spelling. Still a lot of fun writing. The name will be remembered in history.
I got LRS
No criticism and is also meant evil, but find it discreetly unnecessary to write something here. The person who asked the question had asked for a possible English title. That doesn’t mean the person can’t be German! Moreover, the person would not ask the question if he/she/it had not thought yet. Wsl didn’t think of anything and wanted to get inspiration here. I also think that it was not meant evil by you/it UlrikeG66, but nevertheless something superfluous. Have a good day!
Destroyed and abused
Abuse and destroyed
Destroyed and Destroyed
magic is not the best solution
The funny magic school, part 3.285
Please don’t write this book. I almost came up with food when reading your question.
I’m writing the book because I can turn off like this and not with it anyone likes it