Buch beim verlag veröffentlichen?

Ich habe vor bald ein Buch zu veröffentlichen und ringe mit mir darum ob ich self publish machen soll oder mein glück bei einem richtigen Verlag versuchen soll würdet ihr mir möglicherweise erklären wie das bei einem Verlag funktioniert ? Ich weiß das man vom Verkauf weniger Geld bekommt als wenn man es selber veröffentlicht aber mich interessiert mehr wie es damit aussieht es zu bewerben wie gehe ich da vor ? Schicke ich mein Manuskript einfach an einen Verlag meiner Wahl oder soll ich erst mal nur den klappentext verschicken und warten was der Verlag dazu sagt ?

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2 months ago

The prospects for success with regard to a publication by a classic publishing house are, in principle, at most about 2 – 3 percent for a new author – and the younger is a pure hobby author, the moremore unlikely publication. I continue to hope that your manuscript is more elegant and error-free (after the eighth mistake I stopped counting) as your question top, because otherwise your reading sample will most certainly provide some eruptions in the editorate.

There are now three realistic possibilities for new authors:

Possibility one:The most disgusting: You googlest specifically for audience publishers who also serve your topic in their range. (It obviously doesn’t make sense, e.g., to approach a publisher of sports literature with a pirate novel.) Then the further procedure looks as follows: You send a “blind” readingReading sampleto your finished work (so never complete manuscript! The tip “Send your manuscript to a publisher” would be the first novice error!) Means: Around 30 book pages, ideally of course the best, not necessarily the beginning of the book. These must be completely error-free and read correction, otherwise they immediately migrate into the ton.

Add an exposé plus table of contents to the sample – and then it is called to wait and drink tea, because in no case you can make a call later. “Quengeltelefonate” does not like publishing houses at all (because they usually suffocate to unsolicited manuscripts – and therefore rather go “genervt” to new projects). This might allow you to set up a door that was already open a gap wide. No-Go! The game rule is: you either report to yourself – or you don’t do it, which then also comes to a rejection. For you as a newcomer, this means that youabove average goodhave to be so that your reading sample just “skin” the editorate. However, this is quite possible, even if only with small chances, because otherwise there would be no new authors at all, such as the teacher son Bastian Bielendorfer with his then Newcomer-Bestseller “Lifelong Pausenhof”. Calculate in up to 50 cancellations, is like an application. But with a little luck, there’s no. 51 a promise!

Possibility two:Self publishing. Here you take all threads in your hand and have to worry about layout, text design and correction as well as price calculation and distribution. It is important for you to know that further marketing of the same work via an audience publisher is hardly possible. This way would be locked up in most cases. But it would be a real entry for the first work. If this sells, it would be a good reference for an audience publisher if you want to publish your second book. The disadvantage is that a lot of wounds and crap are now happening in the now almost unmistakable market of the self-publishers, so that even a really good book on this way goes down quickly, is not considered and can disappear in the sinking.

Threeand be careful to warn you:

You go to a so-called pressure cost supplement, payment or pseudo publisher on the glue. The process then looks as follows: You write such a company (from mistake) and, within a few days, you get an anointing (series) letter that you are absolutely enthusiastic about your work – and the so-called “Lektoratskonferenz” definitely supports a publication –if you pay for it.These writings are extremely manipulative and skillful, and so many a hopeful hobby writer feels really taken seriously for the first time, but I can only say:Be careful!This “supply” would publish every school job and every shopping ticket if you pay for it. It’s like it’s a sumbetween 1,500,- and 30,000,- Euro, which the author is to turn! But there is no serious publishing house, whichto bear entrepreneurial risk and therefore to be presented at all costs(these can be at the level of the price for a new small car, therefore serious public publishers are also quite selective in their selection) and after a fixed period of time the fee is paid to the author – depending on the number of books sold until then (usually, about 10 percent of the publishing turnover). However, a pseudo-publisher no longer has to sell books, because the money is already earned by the naive writer. These publishing houses are easily recognized on the web in advertising“Verlag searchesAuthors”what does not happen in reality (!). The privileged distribution services of these houses can be described as dragging to negligence; the printed products go to Halde somewhere – and in the editors of the daily press you already know his poplars. Books from print cost supplements are immediately transferred to the waste paper.

More information here:

https://autorenforum.montsegur.de/index.php?/topic/10192-known grant and service provider/

I wish good luck!

2 months ago

Traditionally about publishing or literary agency, this is as follows:

  • You write the manuscript and rework it as good as you can
  • You write an exposé and format your manuscript in standard pages (standard format in the publishing world)
  • After that, you will add your Exposé and a reading sample to suitable publishers or agencies. Here you need to wait for answers between 3 to 6 months if you get a feedback at all.
  • If publishers or agencies show interest, a contract is concluded. The agency then tries to offer the manuscript suitable publishers. Significant waiting times can also be expected here.
  • If a publisher wants to publish your manuscript, it passes through a editorate, correctorate, in which your history is checked for logic and grammar and spelling. Later, the text is placed in the printing shop and after you go through the flags for the last time, it will be printed.

While your agent takes care of the paperwork (contracts, licenses, etc.), you can relax to the next work.

In self-publishing, you have to take care of everything yourself: editorate, correctorate, sentence, cover, print and binding, as well as advertising. Here are considerable costs for you, which you have to retrieve with your revenue. Many see the high titans, but forget the expenses. Selfpublishing is a fulltime job you should think about.

Since the chances are rather bad to send an own-initiative application to a publisher, I would recommend the way to a literary agency. I can also recommend the book “Autorenhandbuch” by Sylvia Englert (author of the Woodwalkers series). Everything is super described in it, what it is important to publish via a publisher or own publisher.

2 months ago

Hi, I am an author, but I do not want to mention my book for certain reasons. ☺️

If the content is designed as the content of your concern, your manuscript does not come through the exam or have you ever attracted interest in a reader.

As a reader, I would like to be able to read between the lines, but this is made difficult for me by bad grammar and playback. Otherwise, nothing is in the way, because I find in today’s time you should be prepared as an author, something useful or useful to the world. It’s not so important for me to give the product. In today’s time you already have to be an orderer author to achieve profit. Therefore, I would consider whether you don’t make your book available for free from the start, so that you don’t suffer taxly negatively afterwards, for example if you already have a full-time job!!!!!!!

However, if you are financially well served, I would recommend self-publishing. Just research. Otherwise, there is the option to simply publish your manuscript as an e-book.

LG Sara

2 months ago
Reply to  greenSara

this is made difficult by poor grammar and playback

That was also my first thought, because spelling, drawing, grammar and expression in the question, yes – let us say – are capable of developing.

As an author, you can definitely tell me that: if you have to introduce a publisher or take over publishers and U. also the editorate? So is it only validated and then evaluated by the publisher or vice versa? It would trigger me as a publisher if I had to fight through such a faulty work…

2 months ago
Reply to  DaKaBo

I had voluntarily handed over the entire manuscript without knowing whether it is mandatory at all ☺️ The book is reviewed and evaluated. Of course, you must have been reading or correcting it beforehand. For a publisher to correct your book yourself, you have to pay this service!

How much does a doctorate cost?

The price for a proofreader is usually perStandard pagecalculates and depends on what your book needs for services and how long your manuscript is. However, you should pay 4 to 7 EUR per standard page (1500 characters). To get a more accurate price, you can send a small sample of your manuscript to your editor or editor and ask for time and cost.” Think about it, because if you have actually written your book according to the above text, as I see black….A author should bring these features from the very beginning for the completion of a book: correct grammar, correct design, procurement of added value and of course every book should be understood.

2 months ago

The chance to publish his book at a publisher is almost 0, so don’t try. You only have a chance if you’ve already made a name for yourself before. So do this with the self publishing.

2 months ago

Publishing companies have their own guidelines on their websites. They often want to know the premise in one, two short sentences, or a text that could function as bookback text, a few pages as a reading sample and the manuscript (mostly as PDF).

The exact wishes are on the website.

You get less per book, but the publisher takes care of the sale. If you don’t have a very large social range, the own publisher is not worth it, because advertising is paid there.

But you can try both. While waiting for the publisher’s answer, you can try it on your own. See only if the publisher has nothing to do with it (see the above directives).

2 months ago

Usually you send an expo lake. That should be really professional. There are instructions on the net. Before asking if it makes any sense, it’s not bad either. Some publishers generally accept nothing (more), that is, things are not even looked at.

It is better to contact an agent (also there Exposee, never the manuscript) or directly at trade fairs.

2 months ago

If it’s your first book and you can’t show any experiences and successes yet, you should forget the unrealistic dream of a publishing house.
This is hopeless that a serious publisher might have an interest in it. Manuscripts are not even read at most publishers.

Not even such geniuses as Astrid Lindgren and J.K. Rowling made it with their first books. Even with them it took several years – and some books – until they finally got a chance at a publisher.

Selfpublishing can definitely be done. How well this will run and whether your book is perceived in the gigantic mass of SelfPublishing books by potential readers, that is of course another question.

Tip: Take also Young authors competitions Part. If you’re cutting off well, then it can be that sometime a publisher might have interest in you and your books.

And another tip: Be careful that you don’t get to one of the fraudulent pseudo publishers, make the inexperienced authors big (wrong) promises and hopes, but then sharply rip them off.

2 months ago

You’ve already got a lot of helpful advice. The important question for you is whether writing is a hobby for you or you want to earn your living with it. In a hobby, you can publish your book with services such as epubli and co without much effort and your book will also land at Amazon and Co. while maintaining full control over your book. Of course, you have to take care of the fact that everything is in line with the legal framework and your revenue is reported accordingly.