Buch Anfang schreiben?

Ich will eine geschichte(ein buch ) schreiben es soll eine Lovestory zwischen 2 mädchen sein

Der Anfang soll ungefähr so ablaufen das Freunde der Eltern von dem einen Mädchen zu Besuch kommen und der Sohn von den Freunden das mädchen das auf seinen Geburtstag einläd dort lernen sich die beiden mädchen kennen

Aber ich weiß nicht so ganz wie ich anfangen sol

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1 year ago

Don’t start when a character wakes up, that’s cliché and the reader isn’t interested in the morning routine.

How much does the reader have to know about the characters before they meet? What scenes do you need to introduce the characters? The one that appears chronologically first can be your beginning.

In the first chapter a part of the conflict of history should occur. Knowing two girls and falling in love is not a conflict yet.

You could also start to describe the day of the figure and then at the end stroke everything that is not necessary for history. Or you start writing at a later point and later consider what it takes to get to the point.

You don’t have to tell Chronologically, but you start in a scene and later tell how it’s came, so soon it’s necessary

1 year ago

There are different ways to start a story.

1. A sudden beginning: You can get right where the action is already well underway or something happens. So, for example, in the middle of a school hour, in the middle of the breakfast table, in the middle of the party. Here I would first describe the action and then introduce and explain a few lines later slowly the character.

Two. An explaining entry: You start with explanations first before something happens. Speak, one represents the characters and one briefly tells their background history. Here, however, I would make sure that you don’t tell too much or even ALL, because pure explanations are boring. You should really only introduce the most important one and show the rest during the story. So don’t go straight out all the backgrounds of all friends and siblings of the main character, but just what is absolutely necessary to know.

3. A start at a cut: As a cut, I design situations that are a cut in the person’s life. For example, sleep, unconsciousness (in hospital for example), birth or similar. There’s something new going on here and you’re not in the middle of an action yet. These entrances are often chosen and may seem somewhat uncreative.

1 year ago

I would begin with absolute dislike. No one can suffer the others. The parents’ friends are in fact no friends, the parents are dependent on them because the man is the superior. Everyone has to pretend he likes the others.

The girl is forced to this meeting, even though she doesn’t want to do it at all. In this constellation, the two get to know each other and the views fly back and forth.