BTS fanfiction?
Do you have any recommendations? (I really like taekook/yoonmin đ , but everything else is great too ;)) Preferably on a website, but apps are also OK.
Hi, I'm 14 and I write stories for fun. I'd say I'm quite creative, so my dreams are also very…well, creative. They usually have a plot, and I usually dream very scary, exciting, almost movie-like dreams. Whenever I talk about my dreams (to friends/family), people are either shocked at how logical my dreams are, or…
Hello there, I text a lot with people I really like, but most of the time it doesn't go beyond the typical "How are you?" or "What are you up to?" Do you have any ideas on how to make a conversation more engaging? Thank you
I want to write a book, but the only ideas I have are heavily inspired by other books or movies, and that somehow doesn't feel right. I want to create something innovative of my own. Do you have any tips?
So, I'm 13 and have school that day. Do I have to fake a sick day, or is there another way?
Alsooo ich habe eine Geschichte verfasst, jedoch habe ich halt indirekte Erklärungen eingebaut, die den Leser darauf hinweisen das etwas nicht stimmt. Wie z.B bei sutther Island manche stellen merkwĂźrdig erscheinen (habe mich daran orientiert). meine Frage ist gibt es eine bestimmte Bezeichnung dafĂźr wie man das dann am Ende erklärt nachdem man seinen Text…
Hi, I'm currently writing my first story and wrote a prologue yesterday. I'm still deciding whether to keep it. I wanted to ask what you think of it. And do you have any suggestions for improvement? What would you do differently? Would you read a story like this? Would you choose a more exciting passage…
Here are some:
It’s a x reader FF, yet really entertaining.
Here are some authors on Wattpad:
@G05R4E @Silent_Mochi @thvdear
It’s okay
Is that a question?
Ah, okay.
No, I’m sorry. I meant any platform/website is ok