Btm Eintrag und Alkohol Vergehen ihr Führerschein was droht?
Habe vor 7 Jahren einen btm Eintrag wegen Cannabis bekommen. War bisher aber immer Clean es kam auch nichts weiteres dazu. Außerdem habe ich vor ca. 2 Jahren eine isolierte Sperrfrist von einem halben Jahr bekommen. Diese ist schon seit 1,5 Jahren vorbei. Im Urteil Stand: “Die Zulassungsstelle ist dazu angehalten dem Angeklagten bis vor Ablauf von 6 Monaten ab Rechtskraft keine Fahrerlaubnis zu erteilen” Wurde auf einem e-Roller mit 1,35‰ erwischt. Bin derzeit in der Fahrschule und habe den Führerschein Antrag schon gestellt. Droht jetzt eine MPU?
What was your influence on the alcohol at the time? Did you work or drowned?
In case of misuse, the FEB, also under 1.6‰, calls for a MPU, also comes a bit to the federal state by living (in the south it is currently being handled a bit more rigorously).
However, the history of cannabis from that time should not affect an MPU order.
Was relatively normal, somewhat aggressive to the police, otherwise nothing. Was also in PG the day.
In NRW you could still be lucky, with the “relative normal” being more unfavorable. I’m worried that you were in police custody, here’s hard to assess if and how the FEB evaluates it. Unfortunately, an MPU arrangement is not entirely excluded. Sorry, but you can only wait to see if you are admitted to practical examination…
As a rule, no MPU is arranged at 1.35 promille.
However, you also have a BTM entry , here the driving permit authority can start from mixed consumption and request an MPU .
The specialist will inform you about the decision.
The entry was a long time ago. And there was nothing to do with it, but will show up.
Small correction: from mixed consumption the FEB cannot proceed, at most from addiction shift (if the Btm entry still exists). It would be if the TE had drugs and alcohol in the blood at the same time. Greeting Nancy 🙂