Bruxismus CMD?
Guten Morgen,
Ich habe mal eine Frage und zwar habe ich auf einer Seite im Linken Oberkiefer ein Bruxismus Ich habe eine Dicke Backe fühle mich manchmal abgeschlagen
und es ist alles total entzündet ich war schon bei mehreren Zahnärzten gewesen die meinten ich wäre gesund ich soll eine Schiene benutzen für unten das mache ich auch aber ich sehe an der Schiene das ich ein Harten biss habe in der Nacht auf der Schiene sehe ich abdrücke damit ist mir nicht geholfen gibt es noch Sachen die man dagegen machen könnte ?
Maybe another rail? There are special arrangements, but you have to pay yourself. Otherwise try physiotherapy.
I’m also honest the rail didn’t use a period of time only since September have a new but when I bite on it it feels like granite
The rails taken over by the sickness fund are all relatively hard. Mine too. Regular wearing is of course important, otherwise there is nothing.
Why this is so with me I don’t know why that can be a lot of trouble with everyone When I look at my rail and how night after it is really bad
Correct, this is also possible at a young age.
I’m not biting my tongue.
Through the CMD I sometimes bite myself on the tongue on the side where I have that I am 29 years old also in the boy age you can get such misplacements can be with me
Yes, also correctly:-)
And don’t get too much stress…. the glows most often
And no to eat hard stuff very important
Yeah, you’re pushing/knirscht during the day.
I use the rail for below also now tags that also helps
To prevent further wear, the rails are good.
I also have a pine misalignment, but my teeth are not very worn. It’s quite individual.
Will I make the pine orthopedic is specialized in CMD But with me it could also be pine malpositions as the Detlef1606 has written my teeth are heavily worn out already somehow
If the orthodontic jaw does not know any exercises, ask the physiotherapist or a CMD specialist. From the latter I got the exercises.
Perhaps there is an ointment or an anti-inflammatory oral rinse solution that can recommend dentist/kieferorthopäde to you.
I’ll ask for the orthodontics I also drink a lot of sage tea Somehow keep trying to relieve the pain
You could also ask for stretching and strengthening exercises.
Mass my jaw joints where it hurts
What are you doing?
I also try to make the exercises at home is not easy, but I rub it with Öfters I have on 27. November an appointment at the orthodontics I report Maybe you can do something else because I am young
It’s good
Remember to do the exercises at home.
Will I make physiotherapy I’ve been doing the pain for 2 weeks already will be a little better on every case Today tomorrow I wake up for the first time pain-free
Very much.
Definitely. You’re not alone with that.
Let that go.
But thanks for the helpful comments
looks like I’m not alone with the problem
Pine misalignments can also be possible with me
Yeah, I’d do it. I was with one too.
No I had not been
I need to look for
I can understand.
Have you ever been to a CMD specialist who can look at where it comes from?
That’s really crap…. And in the upper jaw at the back there is a tooth that pushes me in the upper jaw and I think the tooth causes the dentist to ask if you can hear the drawing he meant no he does not draw any healthy teeth with it was not helped me then either
Bruxism is really crap. I’ve had this for a few years.
Jop this is hard my last girlfriend also meant to me I Knirsche the night with the teeth that it had so impact I would not have thought
Go to the pine-orthophade and let’s look at your pine.
I also have jaw misalignments
I’m gonna do that I haven’t been there yet….
I had been to the Orthodontics last night there were no pine malpositions I thought first…. I had also had ne braces right at the orthodontists I had also been
that I meant to go to the surgeon that would be a case for that if he didn’t get it
should I make an MRT and let my jaw be measured
at the end again to the orthodontics but the fun is also very expensive
I have a Bruxism by pressing my teeth has ignited this now I am again tomorrow at the surgeon but if he can do something I don’t think well wait for more I can’t do.
When did you get your jaw treatment?
How long has it been? Go to the kieferchirug. He’ll send you to Mr. Kiefer when he touches the joint.
Do not make a shin for relief
My last jaw treatment is 10 years since I got my toothpick out
Tomorrow I definitely go to the Kieferchirug I had already been there today, but they were not allowed to make a romance somehow because of irradiation dentist had to send the pictures
I only have on one side the feeling that the last tooth presses me up into the jaw the gum is also white and hold on the outside red inflamed until the wisdom tooth is out but is no longer in
Orthodontics meant to me but Nix is bad
in the orthodontics of the jaws, which has not given me any rail, although brutalism has been established