Bruttolohn Abgaben etc?
Liebe Community,
Ich hatte bislang stets nur Nettolohn bezogen. Aus meinem Minijob bekomme ich zur Zeit 430€ Netto ( + / – 10€) und Jetzt srbeite ich seit dem 01. 06. in einem Einzelhandel für einen Bruttolohn von 881€ den ich so auch am Ende des Monats ausgezahlt bekommen soll. Nun bin ich irgendwie verwirrt mit den ganzen Steuerklassen und was ich wie wohin von meinem lohn an Steuern und so weiter zahlen muss. Und vor allem : welcher Job gehört nun in welche Steuerklasse und was bedeutet das für mich und meinen Lohn?
Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar wenn ihr mir das hier erklären könntet und nicht einfach einen Brutto-Netto Rechner hier reinpostet o.Ä.
Ich bedanke mich schonmal für die Antworten im Voraus.
The mini-job is exercised with tax features (due to your information) – i.e. it must be taxed.
If the new job has registered you as the main employer (probably this applies), the Minijob will receive tax class VI (approximately 50 € wage tax).
If the new job has registered you as a secondary worker, the new job receives the tax class VI (that would be much more unfavorable at the moment) – then it would have to be changed by an ArbG.
You are then obliged to make a tax return (due to tax class VI).
The mini-job could also be changed for flat-rate taxation – then it no longer plays a role in taxing.
First, you should agree with your mini-job employer that he the 2% flat-rate tax paid for you; If necessary, this 2% flat-rate tax will keep you from the net wage by your mini-job employer! Has the advantage that the wage tax class 1 can be used for your main job and your mini-job wage does not have to be specified at all in your Ek tax statement!
This is now a major employment in the long term, i.e. Midijob or just a holiday job as Short term employment, so social insurance-free???
the 2% flat-rate tax? And what is an Ek tax return?
Tax declaration = income tax declaration
So the 881€ job is a part-time job to last only 18 months ABER my boss says that soon all fixed-term contracts will be tightly accepted so also I. I’ve been working since 07 2020
Then you have a midijob and are full of social insurance:
Cheap Social Security for Midijobber
881 Euro brutto – according to slide-zone calculator …. means for you = 153,90 Euro deductions for social contributions.
The deductions are automatically transferred to the social security system – you will only receive your net fee.
In the case of wage tax class I – single person without child – pay tax would only be charged from a monthly income of 1151,X Euro
Level 1 is already awarded at the Minijob :-((
For me, the first sentences of the question were as if the minijob had ended with the takeover of the midijob.
If not the gliding zone calculator would be used, but the full 50% social security contributions would be retained.
However, FS could easily carry out a mini-job alongside a midijob – that is, the AG could also take over the flat-rate 2% wage tax in addition to social security contributions.
Can you have a minijob next to the midijob?
Midijobber often wonders if it is possible to take a minijob next to the midijob. This is definitely possible. The midijob is social insurance and the minijob is considered to be admissible secondary employment – a combination that is becoming increasingly popular.
Or for a fee ……… without further admissions of the FS, no additional assistance is possible here.
I guess once again someone tried very ignorantly to formulate his question.
So net paid for gross would be black work or did I misunderstand the FS??
Or does the FS mean Short term Employment???
But such a computer is very helpful. You feed him with your personal data and he spit out your net wage. 🤷 ♀️ This is exactly the basis of the information that is not in your question.
Jaaa does not explain how and to whom I pay the charges
It’s all dressed. What you get on your account is the net wage. You’re allowed to hit him completely.
Your employer will pay all charges for you.
But this would be black work…
(But I don’t want to lean too far out of the window with the tax classes.)
881 € are subject to tax and social insurance = Surplus SV = less than normal – wage tax does not apply to tax class I, II, III, IV = ca. 724 € net
I’d say class 6. For both jobs. Because as a person you get a tax class.
Half of your social security contributions must: the employer. There is absolutely no plausible reason why he should not pay the full share, just like any other employer. I can’t imagine that this is allowed at all.
Maybe I have to ask my colleagues or the boss again because my boss said I get the gross wage as it is in the contract to my account at the end of the month. In addition, there is still the question of the tax classes in the room. Amn’t married but have two jobs now that would mean that at least one of the jobs in tax class 6 goes right? And in me also insecure because the one job is a minijob
Haeäääääääää? You shall all social security, unemployment, pension and health insurance and taxeshimself abduct!? 😳
Sorry, but this is completely absurd. 🤷
No, that’s the point! I have been told by my boss that I have paid the gross wage so much and I must pay the charges myself so I ask.