Brüste hängen zu sehr?
Hallo ich bin 14 Jahre alt und ich habe das Gefühl das wenn ich meinen Bh ausziehe das meine Brüste sehr hängen bei den anderen ist es meist nicht so wenn ihr es genauer sehen wollt dann schreibt mir dan mach ich bei der Bächen frage einfach ein Bild rein dann könnt ihr mir vllt genauer sagen ob das normal ist oder nicht
Hi :-
I totally understand your concerns. Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose and assemble your body as you would like. Many desires are bigger breasts and others suffer exactly under them. It is important that you are in harmony with your body.
Sure, there’s always a place on the body that we don’t like when we look in the mirror. But maybe this one place will please your friend later? If you have big boobs, then it is usually inevitable that they hang something by weight. But that’s gonna be a reason your friend should be afraid of later, I can’t imagine. If you’re going to take your bra out before him once later, he won’t think that you’ve got ugly hanging breasts. On the contrary, he will be fascinated by the breasts of his girlfriend, like almost every man. This will also apply to your breasts;-)
I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions, you can also send me a personal message at any time 🙂
You can get them small and firm by training. It takes two years
Don’t talk to her like that.
It’s not bullshit. You’ve never seen a gym from the inside, let alone train. I was a sportswoman
It’s good what you’re doing here for claims. I’ve been a sportswoman myself and that for over twenty-five years.
But as long as she doesn’t get into the calorie deficit, you don’t get sports either. 70% of success is determined by diet.
However, this is not about sports, but about the condition of the female body. And if she has too much skin and/or bad connective tissue, she can do as much sport as she wants, because the training does not bring anything about.
And don’t compare yourself with others. Because every body is different and only because that might work with you does not automatically mean that it also applies to all other women in the world.
Hello Ichbincool515
Breasts to suspension buses are responsible for 2 factors. 1. The predisposition and 2. large heavy breasts.
This could also come from your posture. Stand naked in front of the mirror and try different positions of your shoulders. If you leave the shoulders to the front, it’s hanging buses and if you stretch the shoulders to the back then you’ll see your breasts no longer hanging.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Most of the buses are not identical and even– but little notices whether your connective tissue is weak and therefore little tension is there that you mean they hang, no one can judge..
And- leave it..
Heyy, that’s quite normal..Don’t worry about it 😽😽
Girl’s normal. Mene also hang without bh vat🏼
Sorry, but what’s wrong with you?
my breasts very hanging with the others it is usually not so if you want to see it more accurately then I write to myself at the streams just ask a picture in
You think everybody wants to see your breasts now, just like boys who want to have nudes from you?
You don’t even know who the people are here in reality and then you’re dressing exactly the guys you don’t want to have.
Are you ready to present yourself to all people?
You are still in puberty and with no woman both breasts are always the same, and in puberty there are also times when you don’t like a lot of yourself, that’ll still happen to you.
but what? Brow question.