
Also, ich bin 15 Jahre alt und hab mal eine Frage. Meine Brüste sind noch im wachstum, aber mir ist aufgefallen das meine nippel nicht die ganze Zeit ,,hart‘‘ sind, die sind einfach so nicht da so keine Ahnung, meine Schwester sagt immer die Phase wo sie aussehen wie dreieckige Gummibärchen Verpackungen haha. Ich hab grad nh bh Größe beim 75b und ich hab einfach Angst das sie nicht mehr wachsen oder das sich der nippel nie irgendwie die ganze Zeit ,,hart,, wird. Er ist es nur wenn zb kaltes Wasser oder halt Erregung oder so ihr wisst schon.. denkt ihr das bildet sich noch aus?

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1 year ago


Your nipples are normal.

Nipples are not permanently hard or raised. If you are relaxed and you do not experience irritation, they can also be completely flat and be flat with the nipple court.

The nipples are actually only up to feed a baby and this happens when you irritate the nipples, so brush, cold/hot or massage. Sometimes it just happens, but that’s not bad.

The natural and actually continuous state of nipple is in the unexcited version where they hang flat and soft on the chest. Only if they experience irritation they should get up. If they were to be permanently hard and then you should get to the doctor because this is not a normal behavior for nipples.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 year ago

Hi dear Lena 🙂

Just as with breast size and shape, there may also be differences in the shape and size of the nipples. There are also the most diverse forms. Some girls have slightly larger and more pronounced nipples, while others contoured smaller and less strongly. Both are quite normal 🙂 There are also adult women who later have small nipples, despite relatively large breasts.

Don’t worry or stress. Since you’re still in the middle of puberty, you can actually change it a little. Possibly the nipples grow with or after you. And if not, it’s not bad or tragic. For both cases would be quite normal and nothing unusual 🙂

Nevertheless, everything is quite normal with you as you describe it. That the nipples can change is something completely natural. Especially in the case of cold, touches or when excited, the shape can then change and harden quickly.

I would recommend you to go to the J2 examination and let it be done with your pediatrician or pediatrician. At the age of 15 you will definitely have the right to participate. This would perhaps be ideal to have your level of development checked once for safety reasons. A doctor would then be able to tell you if everything had developed normal with you and how much could change. I let the J1 do it at the time with 14 years and found it very well to have got such a small current overview of my own body.

I hope I could help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a personal message at any time 🙂


1 year ago

The text is a bit difficult to understand.

Why should the nipples always be too hard? There is no reason for this to behave completely normal. And why should the breasts no longer grow? There is no connection.

1 year ago
Reply to  lenaheidel

No, they don’t. The friction of fabric can trigger and for posing they are stimulated.

1 year ago
Reply to  lenaheidel

I don’t know a single woman seeing the nipple 24-7. Even though some have big nipples and other small ones.

1 year ago

Mys are very pronounced and leave my head hanging. As if I had already settled a whole village

I don’t like it, but I can’t do anything.

1 year ago

That’s normal.

1 year ago

That’s normal, they’re not always hard. You don’t see them or you don’t see them under a shirt.

1 year ago

Why would the nipple be hard all the time? Breasts can grow up to 25. Nobody’s nipples are always hard. Why?

1 year ago

Don’t worry, they’re still growing. And to the nipples: Why do you want to have them hard? Let them have some time for a little chill.

1 year ago
Reply to  lenaheidel

Addendum: We men look forward to the sight, but this is another topic 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  lenaheidel

No, that’s not normal. Just in porn.