Brushless Motor?
ich habe ein Boot, das wollte ich schneller machen und dann habe ich ein 4s 3300 KV motor rein gemacht doch das Boot fuhr auf 3s nicht schneller als 30 KMH und dann habe ich einen Motor gefunden der 9500 KV hat der kann glaube ich nur auf 2s fahren, Aber ist das Boot mit dem nicht schneller, da der Motor mehr KV hat?
A higher KV value means that the motor rotates faster at the same voltage. A 9500 KV engine at 2S (7.4V) turns faster than a 3300 KV engine at 3S (11.1V). However, the 9500 KV motor has fewer torque, which can lead to inefficient power with higher water load. Your boat could not be faster despite the higher speed because the engine does not have enough power to drive the propeller efficiently.
the FT012 boat has a 3500kv motor and drives 55 to 3s and then why does my boat drive with a 3300kv motor then 30?
The speed of a boat depends not only on the KV value of the engine, but also on other factors such as the design of the boat, the size and shape of the propeller, the weight of the boat and the efficiency of the drive system.
Although your 3300 KV engine has a lower KV value than the 3500 KV engine in the FT012 boat, there are other factors that could affect the performance:
It is possible that the FT012 boat is specially designed for maximum performance and speed, while your boat may have other priorities, such as durability or maneuverability. If you want to improve the speed of your boat, you could try different propellers or optimize other components of your drive system.
I know this more of the propellers of planes, not so much of ships, but it is probably comparable.
It is wise that the engine is “big enough” to perform the performance. This means that the mechanical size and weight should not be smaller than the engine with smaller KV. You can measure the current at the motor with 3300KV, and with the voltage calculate the power recorded (P=I*U, power = current * voltage). You can try a larger screw of equal pitch or (better) an equally large screw with higher pitch.
If you connect a motor with more KV at lower voltage, the STrom probably goes up (9500 instead of 3300, voltage halved. This leads to the fact that the controller has to have more current.