brüdern zu weinachten schenken?
hi Leute ich brauche noch Geschenke zu weinachten für meine 2 Brüder (5&7) und ich weiß nicht ob ich denn beiden verschiedene Sachen kaufen soll (verschiedene Interessen) oder beiden das gleiche da sie sich sonst wahrscheinlich streiten werden weil der andere immer das coolere hat 🙄😂
both give what only they like, so if one likes football and the other car then give it something with dusball and the other one with cars. so they do not argue (hopefully) because they would not want that from the other.
or you give both that same only different. yk? so the same principle only with other colors/forms/causes, what ever
But best is in any case that both costs about equal amount of money (or where it would definitely be credible that they have the same value) so that no one comes his present is more expensive or so
but they are a bit hollow…
EGAL what the adere has he wants that too
then give the one brother the gift for the other and the other. then argue and you can suggest that they exchange and then both are happy😂 or really now, for example, each one car and one blue the other red or something.
but they don’t want to give their own…
they are a bit complicated