Brother Drucker leuchtet grün aber Display schwarz?

Hallo, mein BROTHER MFC-L3750CDW Elektrografie, leuchtet wie auf dem Bild zu erkennen grün, das Display ist jedoch schwarz und geht nicht an.

Was kann ich jetzt tun? Der Drucker war sehr teuer… Weiß auch nicht wer sowas repariert oder ob man den Schaden selber beheben kann.

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1 year ago

The button at the top right which lights green is the Standby button. You have to press this for 1x, then the printer comes to life.

Finally, when you’re done with printing, press 1x on the green button again. Then the printer is back in the standby.

Standby is Pfilcht in inkjet printers. If you take it off the power, you’ll get problems with dry nozzles. That’s gonna make Aerger.

And always set to color. So it uses the colors a bit. They do not dry.

Since I did this, I have no problems with Brother Drucker. And that for years. It was different and a lot of nergers with printers.

1 year ago

Does he still have warranty/currence? If so, it’s good.

Otherwise, I’d take it to a repair cafe.

Maybe you can somehow reset the printer?

1 year ago
Reply to  benjaminjejfj

Don’t make yourself! Otherwise, let him repair and buy only printers for a maximum of 99 euros in the future!