Brother Drucker DCP-195 Farbe Fehler?

Guten Tag, mein Drucker dem ich vor paar Monaten von Flohmarkt gekauft habe, ich nach dem test festgestellt das die Rote nicht richtig gedruckt wird kann jemand mir bitte helfen?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

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2 months ago

The color red (Magenta) is blocked with you.

Try one Cleaning cartridge


And then REACH

2 months ago

Check this before buying!

Even if multiple print head cleaning does not help despite full cartridge, the print head is blocked. Depending on the printer, the print head

  • in the cartridge -> exchange cartridge
  • an independent part for all cartridges, what you have to order and is not necessarily cheap
  • fixed in the printer -> mostly economic. Total


2 months ago

You’ve already got some approaches here. If all the cleaning processes are not helpful, I have always helped one of them:

First of all, the print head must be placed in a middle position. To do this, the Druker is opened as if you want to change a cartridge and after which the head is in position you pull the power plug.

Now let your head move with your hand.

Now you take a simple corona mask and cut both ear holders off.

Then roll them over the long side and push them under the print head. They are then inoculated with a little 30% isopropanol alcohol. (mix from the pharmacy or with the water that has been destroyed)

Push the head to the left and right again and again. There’s gonna be a lot of color on it.

Repeat the process with a new mask again.

Then remove everything and insert the power plug again.

Test pressure.

The red color should have improved significantly.

If she doesn’t print 100%, repeat the whole thing.

With me, that even years old printheads released.

2 months ago
Reply to  SiuuuWi

No, you need the same time for a youtube search.

2 months ago
Reply to  YorkNtl

Almost next to it is also over, in Vidoe is an Epson printer, a Brother is built on others.