Brot selber backen?
Hallo, ich habe, ein Brot gebacken mit Mehl ein Dinkel Brot das Problem isst jetzt aber das es, obwohl es ausreichend gebacken hat, indrinen noch so klitch ist weis jemand woran das liegt ich hab das jedes Mal und weiß nicht, was ich da machen kann, hat jemand tips ? danke im voraus
Then you need to set the temperature a little lower(!) (~10 degrees), but then depending on the size approx. Bake for 15~20 minutes and cover with aluminium foil if necessary so that it does not become too dark.
Get out of the oven with a wooden sniper in the middle. If dough sticks, the bread needs longer.
The heat obviously does not allow the density of the bread dough to penetrate sufficiently into the middle.
Forget the recipe, it’s junk! Dinkel is a small diva: it can bind significantly less water than wheat. When dinkels are baked like wheat, the bread becomes dry inside like a desert.
For the beginning, take the recipe here with brew, which has proven itself in practice:
But hello,
well, there’s a lot of slate running:
What bread size did you have? 1 kg, 1.5 kg or 0.75 kg
Are you working with a brewing piece?
Do you have a Shamott brick or you bake
on sheet or baking?
I always go ahead with 250 degrees and then after
15 minutes, I’m going down to 210°.
What temperatures do you use?
Good night and a healthy sleep
opi venerable
what is a brew? I’ve made quite normal in a shape
Is an ingredient in sourdough bread,
as well as the Sauerteig-Vorteig.
You probably had ready-made baking mix?
no very classic with flour and yeast made
45 minutes of back time, I personally feel too little. I would bake it at least an hour, more than 80-85 mints. But I’ve noticed these whole dinkel stuff doesn’t taste me. What I baked like that or tried to bake was not my taste, I leave it now.
on howveil grad den dan`?
Do you have electricity or gas?
Then take 180 degrees and bake at least 60 minutes. You can also make the stove and let the bread cool in the oven.
Electro herd