Brot richtig gefroren?
Hallo, hole Freitags immer Baguette Brot vom Bäcker und friere die ein fürs Wochenende und die Tage danach , hab eben ne tüte mit paar scheiben rausgeholt und habe gemerkt das die scheiben sich gelöst haben als locker waren, obwohl die sonst immer aneinander gefroren sind, und habe mit einem.finger auf ne brot scheibe gedrückt die war noch etwas locker und nicht steinhart gefroren. Jetzt meine frage, sind die scheiben vom einfrieren gestern bis heute abend (ebend) zeitlich zu kurz gefroren oder wie?? Weil wie gesagt die scheiben sonst fest einander gefroren waren und jetzt nicht , aber sie waren trotzdem in einem gefrorenen zustand.
So if the bread is frozen for so short time, it is of course not possible that everything is frozen.
You should not cut the bread into slices and then freeze, better it is to cut the bread into two halves and then freeze if you do not want to eat all the bread. Yes, of course you can freeze it in 3 parts.
What do you want me to do? I always do this and it is always frozen in this time.
Maybe you could dump the freezer once, then it works really well again. An ice layer makes a lot.
The sliding would have been frozen overnight. Watch the temps in your TK things
The temperature is unchanged
Too full? In my TK, which stands at 21 degrees, they are passed through after so long time. It’s not good for food when they slowly freeze.
I do not have a separate freezer compartment 😉 I also know the consumption values because measured.
Unfortunately, I can’t say that in our TK cabinet just prevail -17 degrees and freezing in the quick freezer compartment works quite fast. And for consumption, think “Also Kleinvieh does a lot of crap,” right now.
I don’t keep my TK cabinet at the minimum. That doesn’t make so much difference in consumption. Especially because this is too little for freezing.
The freeze is true but -17 degrees are perfect and you save electricity.
Okay, thanks
You felt yourself. Of course, this is edible and probably it would be really hard frozen at some point today. Isn’t that bad with bread, but other foods lose their quality.
So is it still frozen and edible?
That’s just a small freezer and already, but with brot the brot had a lot of space and was also ordered, that still has to freeze normally.