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Fits me sometimes, but really very rare with cut whole grain bread. bought yesterday and then moldy. Exchange and finish.
And please don’t store the bread in the fridge, so it’s quicker.
You can’t touch the bread. When you touch it, it’ll be fast. It’s often like cheese.
I always feed the slices, that’s good.
If your dark whole grain bread is not durable for a month, it seems to be moldy. And THAT happens with opened packs.
And if it gets dry, it’s not an indication of durability.
Maybe you want to tell us what you’re measuring the durability?
Supermarkets don’t write anything on the packaging that makes the manufacturer, but I don’t know a bread where a shelf life of 1 month stands
I can send you a photo of a label, there’s 17.07. on it ( bought on Thursday, Dunkle’s whole grain bread)
you can set the photo here
may be bread or pumper nickel with little moisture
Do they?
The minimum durability date is usually just a week in the future.
Supermarkets don’t do that!
There’s also an MHD on salt.
Did this take off as soon as this is reached?
I don’t know. Where are you going?
Who should be caught with it?
Fresh bread is the best!
I don’t bake myself for free.
Minimum durability date is mandatory to write