Bromazanil bei Präsentationsangst?
Hallo, ich bin in der 10. Klasse und muss im Laufe der nächsten Woche eine Präsentation in Deutsch halten. Das Problem dabei ist, dass ich eine unglaubliche Redeangst habe und schon beim lauten Vorlesen in der Klasse, eine Panikattacke bekomme.
Letztens habe ich bei meiner Mutter 2 Tabletten Bromanazil, jeweils 3mg, gefunden und bin nun auf die Idee gekommen, die vor meiner Präsentation einzunehmen. Viele würden jetzt denken dass das keine gute Idee ist und ich das besser lassen sollte, da es gefährlich sein kann. Doch ich habe mich sehr gut informiert und es ist wirklich ernst für mich. Ich befürchte, dass ich die Präsentation gar nicht schaffen werde, wenn ich diese Angst beim präsentieren bekomme.
Jetzte zur Frage – Kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen, wie viel mg ich von dem Bromazanil nehmen muss, damit ich immer noch fähig bin die Präsentation zu halten, aber trotzdem weniger Angst habe? Hat jemand Erfahrungen? Ich weiß außerdem nicht genau, wann ich in der nächsten Woche präsentieren muss, was zusätzlich noch ein Problem ist.
Zudem möchte ich nicht mit meiner Mutter darüber reden, zumindest jetzt noch nicht, also bitte keine Antworten mit „Red mit deiner Mutter darüber„
Bromazanil contains the active ingredient bromoazepam and is a medicament from the group of benzodiazepines, which is used primarily as an anxious tranquilizer. Benzodiazepines are not suitable for continuous treatment due to their high dependency potential.
If you’re not used to benzodiazepine, I’d do very deeply. Deep hot 1.5mg, max. 3mg.
Here are the key figures for Bromazepam:
So much for that. One more question: Does your fear limit itself to lectures or also arise in other social contexts where you are at the centre? If the latter is the case, did you let a psychiatrist examine you for a social phobia? Because you will always be at the centre of attention in your life and benzodiazepines are not a permanent solution.
Thank you for your answer! Strangely, this fear comes only at lectures where I have to talk or something to read. I don’t think I have a social phobia, but rather some kind of a phony.
In group work at school or in general meetings with, if necessary, foreign people, I am often and happy to talk. That’s why I’m very confused about what my problem is.
Better speaking than a social phobia, even though the vocal fear is certainly not pleasant. Benzodiazepines such as bromoazepam suppress clinical fears, but also make tired. Therefore, the dosage is important. She has to be high enough to take the fears, but she can’t be so high that you’re almost asleep.
Thank you for your help! 🙂
Oh yes and yet a preventive note: benzodiazepines (such as bromoazepam) must not be combined with other centrally damping substances (e.g. alcohol or opioids). There is a risk of potentially life-threatening respiratory depression.
No. Two consumer units will certainly not make you dependent. I’d make a run of 1.5mg. So you know how to reap the drug and can also estimate the side effects (if it has which). However, this sample run is only limited. Because during your presentation you are under tension, which is not the case in the sample run.
Benzodiazepines have an enormously high dependence potential. However, they do not immediately depend but only after approx. 4 weeks of regular intake. If you rarely or there is no danger in this respect only at times. Nevertheless, there are prescription drugs. If you need them in the future, write them. I would ask for presentations not for Bromazepam but for Alprazolam. Alprazolam acts exactly as anxious, but makes a little less tired and does not work as long as Bromazepam.
Do you think I should try 1 or 1.5 mg for the first time to see what effect it has on me, or could I make two-time intake already dependent?
That’s not a good idea either, because the stuff is pretty hard. You’ll get this before surgery to calm down. If you have to put yourself in front of the class and then you’re sent, then you can be embarrassed.
I can’t give you any information on the dosage, you should discuss it with a doctor. I wouldn’t take more than 1mg and test it a few days before so that you can get to one. But as I said, you have to talk to a doctor. And most are very nervous before presentations, you don’t have to be too uncomfortable. In some, you can see more and less for others. A friend of mine just writes her doctor’s thesis and she’s always super nervous when she’s on the front. The laser pointer trembles. If she’d take a tablet every time, it wouldn’t. I’m sure you’d survive this without any help. It’s unpleasant, but it’s not.
It is important that you understand that it is very risky and unwise to take medicines without knowing what they can do and without a doctor telling you. Bromazanil is a drug used to treat anxiety and panic attacks. It can help some people reduce their anxiety, but there are also many possible side effects that you should consider. These side effects may include tiredness, dizziness, confusion and disorder. These side effects could make it difficult for you to keep your presentation.
Before you take any medication, it is important that you contact a doctor or another medical professional to ensure that it is safe and suitable for you. There are other ways to deal with Redeangst, which might be more appropriate for you. For example, you could try to learn a special breathing technique or progressive muscle relaxation to reduce your tension. You could also talk to a therapist who could help you deal with your anxiety.
In any case, you should not take medicines without knowing what they can do and without a doctor prescribed them to you. Please seek professional help if you want to cope with your anxiety.