Britisch Langhaar viele Knoten?
Hallo Zusammen,
mein kleiner Kater Cookie ist eine Britisch Langhaar Katze. Er im Moment extreme Probleme mit starken Knoten / Verfilzungen. Ich Kämme ihn wirklich jeden Tag nur im Moment bin ich eher damit beschäftigt ihm die Verfilzungen mit einer Tierschermaschine zu entfernen. Dies geht auch nur mit Leckerlis, dass er still hält. 😅 ich schneide jeden Tag knoten raus und jeden Tag kommen neue dazu. Ich bin solangsam wirklich ratlos. Ich habe Filzkämme, Unterwollbürsten etc. nichts bewirkt etwas. Er hat überall gefühlt Löcher im Fell durch das rausrasieren 🫣
hat hier jemand eventuell einen Tip? Beim Tierarzt waren wir wegen den Knoten auch schon, diese hatte die Knoten entfernt.
Hello neonXD,
in addition to mechanical causes,Lack of vitamins and mineralslead to lumped cat fur. Bad food with an unbalanced nutrient supply often leads to bad fur, which is particularly susceptible.
Here I would like to advise you to have a blood pattern and to interrogate the actual level of vitamins and minerals and, if necessary, to compensate for identified defects in consultation with the veterinarian.
Otherwise I would like to give you the drainage spray AniForte Fellharmonie Care Spray Sensitive 200ml – Gentle Fur Care for Dogs & Cats, Detachment Spray for Defiltration & as Combing Aid recommend.
If the whole thing does not bear fruit, regular visits to the animal hairdresser would make sense according to my feeling. Many such hairdressers are now home.
Best regards from DaLi♀️ ♀️, Leo😺 and Mishu😺
Thank you for the answer. I’ve changed my tiger’s food for about a month. He gets a food that is highly recommended by naturopathists for animals. (High quality, lots of meat, etc.) he also gets Petmin minerals. I will still think about visiting the veterinarian. Thank you.
Does your cat like salmon oil or odorless coconut oil? The former usually provides velvet fur.
I haven’t tested yet. How do you dose it? How many times does he get it the day?
he really has very beautiful fur on his back. Shiny and node-free. The problem is the belly, the collar, the armpits. He also does not shy water and puts himself in the wet sink 😅 vllt, which is also due to