Bringt es was in die Niederlande per schnell Überweisung geld zu überweisen?

Hallo ich muss geld in die Niederlande überweisen aber will das es schneller geht. Bringt das was per schnell Überweisung oder ist es egal und es dauert trotzdem ein tag?

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2 years ago

There are only 2 transfers:

The normal Sepa transfer. = 1 bank day

Sepa Instant (real time) = 5 seconds (if it supports the bank)

2 years ago
Reply to  Obito22

There is no international transfer since IBAN has been changed.
If the bank supports it, of course.
My Revolut account (Lithuania IBAN) also works in real time.

2 years ago

The quick transfer only brings something if the bank in the Netherlands supports it.