Bringt eine neue Grafikkarte was?

Hi zusammen,

Der Gaming PC meines Sohnes ist schon etwas in die Jahre gekommen und er würde gerne eine neue Grafikkarte anschaffen. Nun frage ich mich, ob der simple Einbau einer neuen Grafikkarte im Preisbereich bis 300 € überhaupt den gewünschten Effekt mehr FPS bei Spielen, wie Valorant / Fortnite / NFS bringt.

Hier sein aktuelles Setup:

Ryzen 5 1600 6 Kerne 12 Threads

ASRock b450m pro4 mainboard

16 gb ddr4 ram

512 gb ssd

Asus Radeon RX570 4GB

Netz: Thermalake 700W TR2 S Series

Danke für Eure Einschätzungen…

Welche GraKa würdet Ihr bis 300€ empfehlen zum bestehenden System?

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8 months ago

CPU will be very limited, so I would go to Ryzen 5 5600 with RX 6650XT

But must update the BIOS of the motherboard before the 5600 is installed

8 months ago

I own a casual system (processor and ram equals) and would first take nennbetter processor and ne newer radeon with 8GB.(AM4 has to 2028 support.)

8 months ago


a new graphics card already brings something. An RX 6600XT/6650XT is recommended here.
From the remaining money and the sale of the old graphics card and processor, you can get a Ryzen 5 5600. This is also a decent upgrade.


8 months ago

A 2700x or 5600x (for the 5600x you need a BIOS update)

With a rx6600.

Should be close to the budget and improve performance properly.

8 months ago
Reply to  derbasti007

see Grade, the mainboard doesn’t support the Ryzen 7 at all. If you want to upgrade the CPU to a better Ryzen 5 model, you can just dive the CPU. ATTENTION: IMMER CPU heat transfer paste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll find some supported CPUs, but see that the CPU is better than the old one. You also need to update Bios (with the old CPU) (is relatively easy, just look a YT tutorial)

8 months ago

Cpu is far too slow, tu CPU and GPU upgrade