Bringt eine Beschwerde über Ärzte/ Zahnärzte etwas – und wo habt ihr euch ggf. beschwert?

… bei Krankenkasse, bei Verbraucherzentrale, bei Polizei, Ärztekammer woanders?

Ich bin z.B. bei mehreren ZÄ schon betrogen oder erpresst worden, weil die mich zu IGel gezwungen haben, die ich gar nicht brauchte.

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11 months ago

Do you know the definition of blackmail under German law?

Section 253


(1) Anyone who needs a human being illegally with violence or by threatening with a sensitive evil to an act, toleration or omission, thereby adding to the wealth of the compelled or another disadvantage in order to enrich himself or a third party wrongly

As you say, they were not threatened with violence or evil. You were merely informed that a treatment can only take place with you under certain conditions, according to the treatment concept of the doctor concerned. This is his good right. If he has treatment methods that he considers to be correct and important, he can refuse the treatment if you do not agree with this treatment. Not the patients tell the doctor how to treat it. They merely agree or reject. It’s not blackmail. And I would be careful with such claims in Google Reviews

11 months ago

Fraud and extortion are offences that can of course be displayed to the police. But you should prove it. If you show someone and there are investigations that even lead to interrogations, etc., maybe someone gets hurt with it and the call of the shows will be damaged, it can of course come to considerable damages claims or to an ad for killing you.

Accordingly, be careful with such accusations. “Everyone is not the same as “true” or “expression”. And even if it was “smart”, I call it, it’s always two of them. One who’s messing up and one who’s messing up. If the doctors have strongly praised IGeL services, this is not prohibited. They can’t force you.

Otherwise, the dentist chamber will certainly also have a complaint point to which you can contact. In the event of a doubt, it is possible to make an effort in disputes involving the conciliation body which has all the chambers. But I’m prophesying that it doesn’t bring so much if there is no really problematic behavior.

So, if you’re upset because you fell in on doctors, take the trouble down and make it better the next time. If there really was a relevant evil behavior, you can complain. Just beware of the choice of words, because someone accused of a crime can be problematic. But please – consider whether you are annoying more about yourself or if there really was someone acting illegally.

11 months ago
Reply to  DorktorNoth

But you should prove it.

No, you don’t have to prove anything. When an ad is sent, the police are only informed of a suspected offence.

If investigations are subsequently received, the police or the prosecutor shall be responsible for the evidence. If the investigations do not give sufficient burden of proof for a conviction, the investigation procedure shall be terminated.

11 months ago
Reply to  wiki01

This is not quite correct! Never disregard §164 StGB and §187 StGB! DorktorNoth has no such thing in his speeches! If it is found in the investigation procedure that the features are fulfilled, the allegedly “damaged” can warm up – if the accused also wants.

Especially in the case of disgusting statements (including also terms such as “complainant”), the prosecutor’s office is up to date and is in the process of taking investigations for the public interest even without request!

11 months ago
Reply to  wiki01

Good. The point is, of course, correct that the police or Public prosecution must prove it. I’m asking for the wrong way of expression.

Then give me the reshaping: “the accusation must be proveable”

11 months ago

For example, I have been cheated or extorted at several ZÄ

You can complain to the doctor’s office.

But if you come as above, you will only reap a tired smile:)

No one forces you to any IgEL achievements or similar! It is only necessary to be able to speak with doctors at eye level.

Fraud and extortion are certainly not present. You just have to say what you want as a patient!

Your description above is completely subjective and contains no objective thoughts!

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

That would have been a reason for me to look for another doctor. It doesn’t just testify to a good doctor!

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

This is not forbidden at all. The dentist can choose whether and under what circumstances he treats you. If private services are included in his treatment plan and after his treatment concept and you do not agree to the treatment concept, he does not have to treat you either. Easy. You have a free doctor’s choice. Then you go to another ZA, but this is neither fraud nor extortion. That was an offer you can accept or cancel.

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

If that’s true, then why didn’t you get up and have left the practice for re-respect? Besides, if you don’t quite clearly tell what happened, you can’t provide you with correct information.

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

“You either take private services or we do not treat you at all.”

You have to prove that. And you probably can’t.

On the level, you can’t complain to the doctor’s chamber.

11 months ago

These are about 40 – 60 euros additional costs for you. This is a GOZ performance and for that you certainly got an invoice. There is no accounting position for legal insurers. You have certainly explained what and why the facial arch must/be created? For what should be done. Do you get inlays, prostheses, other dentures, orthodontics or a CMD (FAL/FDL) treatment? U.U. treatment is actually required. With a specialist who treated CMD you should have paid the complete treatment from your own pocket.

If you felt insecure, you could easily get a second opinion on another ZA.

11 months ago

arbitrary hinge axis determination

Okay, I’m out of here.

as far as I’ve researched this is not an IgEL performance …

Maybe you can just contact the health insurance or get a 2nd dentist opinion on the subject due to the treatment plan.

11 months ago

WAS for a private service should that have been?

11 months ago

Sounds a little silly for me. If you could succeed with a complaint, I can hardly estimate.

You don’t seem to have found the right dentist yet. It is not so easy to change, but in the best case it remains for several decades with the same doctor.

11 months ago

But if several dentists tell you the same thing, there must be something that the treatment cannot be done as you imagine.

11 months ago

I used to not know all that.

Yes, always ask for time and then ask with friends/recognants or here… usually you get good advice.

11 months ago

You don’t get that in writing!

No, it would be a witness.

Perhaps such a procedure is also completely legal. Have you been informed about whether this is actually illegal?

11 months ago

Negative reviews on platforms already bring something. I have heard different experiences regarding reports at the Medical Chamber.

11 months ago
Reply to  Darkrider280

The negative reviews do not have the power of action, as many think. In addition, ratings are only limited to the affected physician, the loss is insignificant.

11 months ago
Reply to  nimi90

I experienced that differently! I was also told by doctors whether I could not make a negative assessment with a positive ‘cover’. So no matter what, it doesn’t seem to be. And it is already that practices with negative reviews have to struggle partly with a lack of patients.

11 months ago

can’t negotiate.

So I am PVK myself also “IGeL- Threat” but I say in front “is not”.

I therefore find it ridiculous to organize at the Radau Medical Chamber.

11 months ago

You can always complain. But let’s be honest: if you don’t want a treatment, you’ll just say that if they don’t leave you alone, you’ll make an appointment and revoke it or say it and find another dentist.

I think that a dentist with a pre-contained weapon really forced you into a treatment is unlikely… and according to this, the medical chamber will probably also think ‘why does he actually do it?’

The fact that some privately paid services are a ‘plus’ in terms of cash benefits is another point. But there is no compulsion from this alone. For example, no one forces you to remove your wisdom teeth under general anesthesia.

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

The compulsion is due to the extortion: “either you take private power or we do not treat you at all.”

And then what will keep you from looking for another dentist?

By the way: That ONE does that… one thing. That ALL the many dentists that you have deflated so you put the pistol on your chest is rather unlikely when you sleep there as a normal patient.

I have actually received the statement exactly once, and that was with a patient who was also to remove wisdom teeth from the jaw surgeon and who started crying and shaking without general anesthesia. Then the doctor has also spoken a word of power about ‘either psychological/psychiatric attesting with regard to anxiety disorder, then the checker takes over general anesthesia OR she pays herself OR he does not treat’

But that was simply because he didn’t want to take responsibility for this patient.

11 months ago

You always have the opportunity to enter your complaint with the respective Kassenarztverein or the competent medical chamber, depending on what it is.

In case of complaints to the Medical Association or the Association of Cassidy, your complaint will also be forwarded to the respective doctor who is asked to comment. This opinion will also be sent to you.

Such a small edge note:

have already been deceived or extorted at several ZÄ

With such accusations you should handle very carefully. Such accusations should only be made if one can actually prove them! Otherwise, in the event of a dispute (especially in criminal law) you draw the shorts!

11 months ago

If you mean being cheated or extorted, you can (if you can) view the corresponding dentist.

I can’t imagine how this should work to be forced into a service that should be paid privately.

11 months ago

For example, I have been cheated or extorted at several ZÄ, because they forced me to IGel, which I did not need.

And what did he blackmail you with? If you don’t want any IgE services, you’ll stretch them off. That’s so simple. I don’t think the ZÄ will have put a gun on your chest.

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

hope he has a gunshot