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3 months ago

No, he’s just delivering COUNTRY. That means the tank gets bigger, not the engine.

In doubt, the extra weight is even a little less.

3 months ago
Reply to  MichaelStumpf

No. the engine has more power. P (power ) = U (voltage ) x I (current ).
If I now increase the voltage, this results in a higher power

3 months ago

I would be extremely careful here with some answers!!!!

Whether you can use a battery with 14.8V depends on the specified voltage range of the engine with which it can be operated. This can be read in the data sheet, if available.

Without this knowledge, I advise DRINGEND to deviate from the “conventional” range of 7,8 V, as a 14.8 V battery can “great” your motor, so destroy it!!

And even if the engine is designed for the higher range of tensions, you can’t be sure that you achieve a higher performance because this depends on the engine itself. If it can retrieve its maximum power at 7.8 V, it will no longer be 14.8 V.

3 months ago

let’s go, can be good, that all electronics will break you or not at all. But in theory, the engine has significantly more power!