Bringt 1 Esslöffel was?

Es gibt einige Produkte die gesundheitsfördernd sind wie z.B. Schwarzkümmelöl, Leinöl, Olivenöl usw. man sagt nimm 1 Esslöffel oder 1 Teelöffel von den aufgelisteten Produkten und du wirst den positiven Effekt in nächster Zeit spüren. Meine Frage ist bringt wirklich 1 Esslöffel oder 1 Teelöffel was oder müsste man eigentlich viel mehr zu sich nehmen um davon zu profitieren?

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2 months ago


dear Murat,

every day the only EL olive oil weighing around 7 g has significant positive effects on health!

I myself also take 1 tablespoon of the best Crete olive oil to me for my classic Mediterranean food, for which I bought an extra small canter for 100 ml, which I give myself with a few push on an EL.

I came to this through an article in the health portal “Centre of Health”, which I have been searching for for for for years and had the best experience with it, especially as it is on the latest scientific stand in nutritional medicine.

Olive oil is considered a very healthy oil. In the oil of the Mediterranean fruit, researchers discover more and more substances with extremely positive effects for health, such as breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes and, more recently, also depression and so-called metabolic syndrome.

Study: Positive influence of olive oil on 100 genes

A study published in the journal BMC investigated the genetic changes caused by the polyohenols in the oil of the olive. (Phenoles are contained in appreciable quantities only in real extra virgin olive oil). The participants all suffered from metabolic syndrome. In the test group, breakfast was prepared with extra polyphenol-rich virgin olive oil. On the other hand, the control group had an early meal with a very low phenol content.

The polyphenol-rich olive oil in the test group obviously had a regulatory influence on 100 genes from the 15 000 tested genes. Interestingly, most of these hundred genes were directly related to the development of metabolic syndrome, i.e. with diabetes, overweight, a high cholesterol level, high blood pressure and consequently also with coronary heart diseases and arteriosclerosis.

The link between diet and these health problems has long been known to the scientists of the 100-year-olds living in Crete, who feed on to a major part of olive oil, and is no longer known by doctors from other Western countries!

So if even minor changes in nutritional behaviour are such positive results, then you should be able to motivate every person who is concerned about his health to a diet in the direction of “classical Mediterranean food and kitchen”.

Since, dear Murat, I have been feeding for 8 years after a lifestyle improvement largely according to the classic Mediterranean cuisine and thus could reduce my weight by 53 kg (from 110 kg to 57 kg), have defeated my type II diabetes, and my fat liver, as well as my heavy arthrosis in the left ankle joint and have enjoyed my best health since then, so my doctor has said to me since the end of 2018. And it, at least for me, is the best and most effective oil that serves my health, especially as it can be stored well.

I can recommend you, dear Murat, therefore best to use a.) best genuine virgin olive oil extra and b.) to take an EL daily and also c.) to use the classic Mediterranean cuisine in your diet, as it was used in countries like Italy, Greece and Turkey for centuries!

If you allow me, dear Murat, I will send you a link to the article of the Health Portal Center of Health from 26th. November 2024, in which the latest research on olive oil is fully informed in a nutritional way: “Oliven oil is very healthy”:

If you want to crumble on a particularly good and pure oil, dear Murat, this is the Crete olive oil:

I would be happy, dear Murat, if I could help you a bit and you found a better view in the nutritional warmer of healthy oils!

Even if you, what I accept through your name, are Islamic beliefs and do not celebrate Christmas, I wish you in our sense, as Christmas is the feast of love among people, all good and best health!

All love, dear Murat, a nice greeting to you in our country capital to Stutgart from my Stauferstädtle in the upper Remstal!

All good wishes!


2 months ago

There are some products that are health-promoting

Actually, there isn’t.

such as black cumin oil

There are no studies suggesting that those people who take black cumin oil daily are healthier than those who do not.

My question is really bringing 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon what or should you actually take a lot more to benefit from it?

You have to eat so much that you have all required nutrients sufficient and not too much. Because a single food is never healthy or unhealthy. Only the Total a diet.

If you get enough and not too much of all necessary nutrients, your diet is healthy – whether you eat black cumin oil, linseed oil, olive oil or not.


2 months ago

There are some products that are health-promoting

rather it must be said that the advertising of manufacturers has health-promoting effects. However, scientifically sound study results are rarely presented.

And no, we humans have a complex organism. Even with highly concentrated drugs, it takes some time to show this effect.

2 months ago

Hello, MuratStuttgart.😊🎄

I don’t think you can flatter it because every body reacts differently.

What gets very good to the one, it can’t do anything for the other.

So everyone has to find out for themselves.

With Christmas greetings, Renate.😊🎄

2 months ago

The effect will probably not be overwhelming. But a minimal effect you do not notice is something.

On the other hand, even a drop of oil can cause a great deal in mechanical devices.

And if you look at the inner life of a body cell….

It’s all at the molecular level and there’s a lot of tablespoons.

2 months ago

There’s a spoon