Bringen Drinks wie “Actimel” etwas?


Ich wollte fragen, ob Actimel und vergleichbare Derivate wie “ActiveDrink” von Norma irgendeinen Nutzen haben oder ob das im Grunde genommen als Süßigkeit läuft und keinen Nebeneffekt hat.

Danke & Grüße!

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1 year ago

I used to consume Actimel or “healthy smoothies”, “gwer curcuma shots” etc. to have a nice feeling of what to do for health.

Then I took a lot, made a diet change and dealt with the sugar and additive content of such “healing foods”.

The first is the enormous sugar and calorie content.

Then there are no real studies that prove when you drink this today, you’re tomorrow, fit, healthy with humming intestinal flora.

It is similar to other vitamins, fitness supplements etc.

Actually, you need a blood pattern that says which vitamins and helpers are missing at all?

Often nothing is missing, but one buys such products because one believes to establish a noticeable increase in energy or improved beauty.

The conclusion is, I don’t notice anything.

It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t make any sense.

Maybe there were some body cells at the cell level who were happy about the product, but the overall body thinks “That was all? For the price?”.

The effect of such products is either not present at all, or comparable to other (normal, favourable) foods.

Also yogurt is good for the intestine, vegetables, whole grains, but don’t sound so chic and dramatically great even though they are.

In fact, it is possible to achieve the same cheaper with normal foods.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosenmary

Thanks for the star 🌟

1 year ago


Among experts, it is very controversial whether the “healthy” bacteria actually survive the stomach acid. In addition, intact digestion does not require any additives.

The food industry has discovered that the buyers buy the overpriced functional food when it is supposed to be healthy.

Healthy probably only does the food industry.


1 year ago

It’s just stretched yogurt.

1 year ago

It’s just diluted yogurt. And as such, he is not unhealthy. But also no miracle cure. It also depends on how much sugar is in it.

If you drink that stuff because it tastes you, just go. But if you promise, then it is healthier and cheaper to eat normal natural yoghurt.

1 year ago
Reply to  rotesand

That’s cheaper and has less sugar.

1 year ago

Advertising promises a lot and keeps little.

Says: Actimel & Co does nothing and is overpriced

1 year ago
Reply to  rotesand

Some people form that brings something. I think it’s a very normal yogurt.

1 year ago

It’s just advertising! How activia jogurt

1 year ago

Hello, red sand.

Actimel contains vitamin B6 and vitamin D.

It also contains calcium which is good for the bones.

Actimel can be consumed daily in addition to a healthy diet.

To get the media out of the way, you can test the product yourself.

Greetings, Renate.