Brillenpass – Sphäre oder Zylinder?
Hey! Ich habe online nicht wirklich eine verständliche Antwort gefunden also hoffe ich, dass mir das hier jemand etwas einfacher erklären kann;
Wenn ich jemanden Frage, welche Zahl die Person hat, (also als Sehkraft) nennt diese eine Kommazahl. Aber ist das nun die Kommazahl der Sphäre oder des Zylinders? Und spielen die anderen Werte eine Rolle dabei? Würde das so gerne von mir selbst auch wissen aber verstehe es nicht so ganz.
Auf meinem Pass steht für rechts: SPH -0,75 | CYL -2,25 | ACH 177° | PD 32,0
Für links: SPH -0,25 | CYL -2,00 | ACH 13° | PD 31,0
Ich weiß, dass ich eine Hornhautverkrümmung habe und kurzsichtig bin. Aber mehr finde ich nicht heraus.
Danke im Vorraus:)
The numerical values apply in the specified sequence for spheres and cylinders.
Mainly, you have a corneal curvature (astigmatism) which balances the cylinder value, besides short-sightedness, the strength of which expresses the sphere value.
In many cases, the sphere value is usually higher than the cylinder value, but it can also behave differently.
The thickness of the spectacle lens varies clearly depending on the spatial direction. With respect to the specified axis, the cylinder value does not add up perpendicularly thereto. So the glass on the right has a thickness between -0,75 and -3 diopters, depending on the direction of view, to compensate for the lack of visibility.
Thank you very much
You are slightly short-sighted (Sph) and have a not quite low astigmatism (Cyl). The cylindrical value relates to the specified axial position, which simply indicates the position of the cylinder.
You could thrive it even further, with strength in the main section, etc.
What do you want to know?
So thank you very much what I’m interested in is what number of commas I call when someone asks me about the number, that is, sight. Whether it is the number of spheres or cylinders and whether and how it is calculated
Who should ask you for that? A potential employer with a certain limit for dioptric numbers?
Both values, i.e. spheres and cylinders, are equally relevant and may be considered separately.
If this is too unpleasant to you, it is absolutely okay and understandable
I personally don’t think it’s bad to talk about when someone asks me, because it’s now a part of me that I want to understand better myself.
The dynamics in my circle are also very open and honest when it becomes too much or unpleasant, will be taken into consideration
But that was not at all. 😌
I didn’t say you were going to fall directly into the house with the door 😅.
There are spectacle wearers everywhere, even in my environment – fortunately, this is no topic at all. Some fellow students want to know something about it when I appear with a new glasses; if then one asks if it is stronger than the previous one, I’ll take to an emergency lie and just say that everything has remained with the old one. Whether they believe it or not, I’m sniffed, main thing I’m going on the theme 😆.
That’s super👍🏻 that you can decide freely for yourself, even without studying – no one writes anything before- wonderful or?🤩
Well, if you had read my post correctly, it would be obvious to you that the values of my question serve as support🤗
Due to my studies, I am interested in the subject of misunderstanding, but that does not mean that I would like to discuss it with private contact persons.
What do you expect from a conversation in which you best give R Sph? -0.75 Dpt. and Cyl. -2,25 Dpt. and L Sph. 25 Dpt. and Cyl.
I really am interested.
I can also fully understand that👍🏻 What makes you think I’m going to fall right into the house with the door? It is obvious that this can be a sensitive issue.
This is not discussed directly after a short acquaintance – it is logical.
In my family and in the circle of friends, there are some with glasses, some of them also have new ones and such conversations then just arise. It should not be justified if you have to ask.
I don’t ask you to tell anyone at all, but to understand me better and to just know it should be the subject again. 🙏🏻
I answered the question.
I’m just saying that I can’t understand that you want to talk to friends or acquaintances about dioptric numbers. And that it is not pleasant for everyone to be addressed to this was just a well-intentioned note on the subject, because I suspect that it is not all alone. In the case of obviously stronger short-sightedness, it is not great to answer such a question, so I avoid that if possible. If the question continues, I call an approximate number and hope that the subject will be done. But nee, then follows horror and something like pity, which I cannot suffer at all. To write anonymously about it here is quite different from personal contacts.
And because you write “that’s what this platform is for,” I just took it out, in addition to answering the actual question, here by commenting what to contribute 😄.
So what🤗 people are now interested in different things than you or others. For one it is normal, for others it is new land, others want to understand themselves better. Absolutely nothing. 👍🏻 Whether you feel this as meaningful or not, is completely left to you. 🫶🏻 But also the others. So let live🤗
Joa this is also absolutely understandable. Doesn’t anyone say that this is asked for a knowledge?
This platform is there to answer questions. What you find as an individual in conversations great or doof is absolutely your thing👍🏻
But also answer the question not😂
Experience has shown that this topic has the highest spectacle wearers with small misalignments, for which something of such importance is of inexperienced importance. Strongly ill-sighted people do not address this from themselves, because it is normal for them, usually from childhood.
It has nothing to do with me with a lack of interest, but with the fact that I consider such things to be personal matters (like dress size, shoe size etc.), then I do not ask. And myself I can’t have it at all if I get to know someone who asks me about my dioptric numbers or even evaluates my short-sightedness.
Cool, your thing👍🏻
I’m interested.
Thanks more I don’t want to know
So I don’t ask anyone I’m meeting somewhere how many diopters he has 😅.
Generally speaking of spherical value is usually spoken. If someone really asks you, just call you both separately, because, as I said, spheres and cylinders are relevant.
Other spectacle wearers, people who care about it, just before… Doesn’t it matter?😅
Just wanted to know. After all, it affects me.
And as mentioned in my description, most often call a certain number in the question, I only care which one would be on my passport.
the second CYL is your vision
Thank you!:)
that’s wrong. the total value is the visual strength.
Cyl is not the visual strength, with the cylinder the strength of the corneal curvature is indicated.