Brillengäser, aus richtigem Glas oder aus Kunststoff?
Ich hab mein Leben lang immer Gläser aus Kunststoff verschrieben bekommen und weiß auch warum. Gibt es viele Leute, die noch Gläser aus richtigem Glas in ihrer Brille haben? Haben Gläser aus Glas auch Vorteile?
In the case of mineral glass in the minus area it is necessary to consider that this can become dangerous for the eyes, because these glasses are thinnest in the middle and this thin spot is always covered in the eyes. Pressure exerted thereon, e.g. a ball or an airbag, can cause the glass to fragment and violate the eye area.
In spite of the hard layer, plastic has the disadvantage that it is more easily scratched, but remains healed in the two examples.
Thank you very much, didn’t know they were thinner in the middle.
Thanks for the star and stay healthy
It’s always the same in the case of picnics, in the case of long-sighted ones. This is the whole joke of glasses that the light is broken differently by the different thickness. Window glass is equally thick everywhere, but does not correct any misunderstanding.
I have only glasses of mineral glass.
Meanwhile, I have glasses of high refractive material, because I don’t know if they are made of plastic. However, I find thinner spectacle lenses important even if I wear contact lenses.
If someone still wants mineral glass in his glasses, it can be for example for the following reasons:
– dusty profession (baker), here glass is easy to clean, even without water
– years of poor experience with plastic glasses (crater despite careful cleaning)
They’re cheaper. In my glasses I only have the simplest standard glasses, as I almost exclusively use contact lenses and wear glasses only in an emergency (or in the evening on TV). In addition, my strength unfortunately changes almost every year by about half a diopter, which makes more expensive/high quality glasses unprofitable and blackening. Maybe if my strength is stable, but now I’m staying at the “cheap” plastic.
I think they’re better because they’re lighter and safer. Glass can break and should go up in the car in an accident of the airbag, then glass jars can splinter and hurt your eyes. Because of my visual strength, even the extra thin-ground plastic lenses are somewhat thicker, but that doesn’t bother me.
Glasses made of correct glass are more resistant to scratches – plastic glasses hold with me only 3 to 6 months, glass glasses 5 years or until I need a new strength.
Have one with plastic glasses and those I know of the material also have plastic. Only one work glasses is made of another material, but don’t ask me which one.
Probably polycarbonate, which is extremely robust 😉
The employer paid the bill. But that’s probably right.
The material is always used for safety glasses.
Just got one…..that wasn’t properly thought of me. Glass lenses are heavier than plastic lenses. I don’t think that has advantages.
My glasses will be changed because I’m not right with that.
Due to strong short-sightedness, I prefer mineral glasses with high refractive index. I also respect a small glass diameter when buying glasses. As a result, the glass edges are still relatively thin, despite double-digit diopter values.
I was recommended as they are lighter and therefore always choose plastic glasses.
I personally have real glass for my glasses now. Because glass is not so sensitive to scratching, because in this respect, I had unfortunately repeatedly ruined my plastic glasses. They are heavier, but ideal for me.
I’ve never had plastic glasses.
dangerous only ..,