Brille verschrieben bekommen?
Vorgeschichte, Frage ganz unter 👇
Hallo ihr Lieben,
ich M18 war heute beim Optiker und habe feststellen lassen müssen das ich eine Sehschwäche von -0.75 habe.
Nun sollte ich mir eine Brille aussuchen und da sind mir die Ohren verbrannt als ich die Preise sah. Dazu muss man ja noch die Gläser und Service Kosten berechnen…
Wie dem auch sei… nun stelle ich mir die Frage ob man das ganze nicht günstiger Gestalten könnte. So Sachen wie z.B. die eigenen Brillen von Fielmann zu kaufen weiß ich bereits. Auch das man die erst ab 6.5 Sehschwäche von der Krankenkasse übernommen bekommt.
Jetzt aber zur Frage: Wenn ich zum Arzt gehen würde, dort einen Sehtest machen lassen würde und dort meine Sehschwäche festgestellt wird, kriege ich dann ein Rezept für die Gläser oder der Artig?
A glasses don’t have to be expensive. However, you should already invest in mirrored glasses.
Otherwise, it is left to you, however, how much you spend on a spectacle frame. If you like a certain spectacle model very much and the price is still halfway reasonable for it, it is worth it. After all, you wear the glasses on your face. This is like other things, clothing, watches, jewelry, also – it depends on your own taste and attitude on how much you want to invest in it.
With strong short-sightedness one gets more from the health insurance, but actually needs glasses of high refractive material that go into the money and are not paid by the extra costs. This is therefore very relative. goggles/
Hello LilaDaemon,
No. With -0.75 dpt. you won’t get a glass order from the ophthalmologist. For over 18 years, the statutory KK pay a small fixed price for glasses only in special cases:
That’s not true. In the event of a greater failure, the health insurance companies only grant a grant to the spectacle lenses, but do not take over the entire cost of a spectacle (I find so completely sufficient).
Even if you had a prescription from the ophthalmologist, you wouldn’t get a cent from the health insurance company because you’re full-year and so don’t meet the criteria.
A spectacle is now made of frame and spectacle lenses that have their price. This includes the costs incurred by the optician for the whole chose, starting with the visual test, the advice, the incorporation of the glasses and the subsequent services, such as adjustment or small repairs. In addition to the purchase, the machine park also causes running costs – all of this must be calculated in the sales price of a glasses. If you then take into account shop rent and equipment plus energy costs, it should be clear that the price for glasses in failed equipment is actually justified and not even so high.
If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on your glasses, you’ll also find very nice cheap versions with each optician, where you don’t pay a brand name. Combine this with plastic glasses with low index (if you are short enough completely) including hard layer and reasonable de-reflectiveness, you get away inexpensively.
Simple single-strength glasses are available at Fielmann and Apollo for 19 or 20 euros complete.
Bearing in mind that you don’t get medically prescribed shoes, underwear, sunscreen and toilet paper, you’ll probably have to go away with this enormous extra load…
You’ll only have one glasses prescribed if you’re zb. Prisma glasses need or are almost blind, but don’t wish.
Even then you pay the glasses yourself, unfortunately you have to go through.
And then you have to pay the glasses yourself.