Brille Polizei Bayern?

Ich habe eine Brille, würde aber gerne zur bayerischen Polizei gehen. Weiß jemand, wie das geregelt ist? Hier bei gutefragre habe ich gelesen, dass die Grenze etwa bei -2,00 oder -3,00 Dioptrien liegt. Allerdings habe ich auch bei mehreren Websiten gelesen, dass man mindestens eine Sehleistung von 50% benötigt, was ja bedeutet, dass man max. -0,5 Dioptrien haben darf. Das kommt mir aber schon sebr wenig vor. Ich habe -1,25 und -1,00 , also nicht wirklich stark, wenn ich heute zum Optiker gehen würde, wäre es wahrscheinlich etwas schlechter, also so -1,25 und -1,5. Weiß jemand, welche Grenze gilt?

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4 months ago

Exclusion grounds for police serviceability

The requirements for vision for police enforcement are in force throughout GermanyPolice Department 300 (PDV 300)set. Applicants must, without visual aids, fulfil a minimum of 50 % up to 20 years of age and then 30 % on each eye. In addition to the visual performance, the color separation capacity, the spatial vision (stereovision) and the twilight and night vision are also checked. The following features exclude police suitability:

  • malformations, defects or chronic diseases: These include diseases of the eyeball, eye muscles, eyelids, tear organs, cornea and the inner eye, which are chronic or tend to fall back.
  • Skills and eye muscle paralysis: Nystagmus (uncontrollable eye movements) also leads to exclusion.
  • Glaukom: An increased intraocular pressure (Green Star) excludes suitability.
  • Brewing abnormalities: visual errors that require the wearing of contact lenses are not permissible. In addition, the suitability for intraocular lenses is excluded.
  • Uncorrected visual acuity (Fernvisus): Under 0.5 on an eye before 20 years of age and under 0.3 after 20. Year of life leads to police incapacity.
  • Correct visual acuity: A visus below 0.8 on one eye, even with a visus of 1.0 on the other eye, is considered to be an exclusion ground.
  • Uncorrected visual acuity (Nahvisus): Less than 0.3 beidäugig is not acceptable. The corrected near-visus shall be at least 0.8 in each case.
  • Spatial vision: At 100 angle seconds leads to exclusion.
  • twilight and glare sensitivity: A twilight of less than 1:2, 7 excludes suitability.
  • Field limitations: Scotome (blind spots) or functional oneness lead to police incapacity.
  • Astigmatism: The astigmatic component of a defect shall not exceed +/−2.5 diopters. investigation/visual test/

4 months ago

However, I have also read on several websites that you need at least 50% vision, which means that you can have max. -0.5 diopters.

-0.5 Dipotrin does not mean 50% vision.

TheVisibility describes the defective vision of the eyes or the required correction by a visual aid. The intensity of vision isdioptrics specified.

TheVisusin contrast to the vision visual performance/seal the eyes and expresses how good the vision is without or with optimal correction of the defective vision by a spectacle or contact lenses in appropriate visual strength.

visual acuity: Visual capability with optimal correction by spectacle lenses or contact lenses.

Visual performance: vision without correction by spectacle lenses.

If your retina is damaged, you cannot achieve 100% visual acuity even with optimal glasses.