Brille mit -0 75,Dioptrien?
Ich bin soeben beim Optiker gewesen und habe einen Sehtest gemacht.
Da ich bemerkt habe dass ich im Dunkeln nicht so gut sehe. Am Tag geht es eigentlich sehr gut, ich sehe alles was ich sehen muss. Abends sehe ich auch nicht extrem schlecht aber definitiv nicht gut.
Es kam raus dass ich -0,75 Kurzsichtig bin. Die Optikerin meinte ich soll auf jeden Fall eine Brille fürs Büro und das Auto fahren verwenden. Sollte ich auch im Alltag eine Brille tragen oder ist das bei -0,75 Dioptrien nicht notwendig?
Should I also wear glasses in everyday life or is it not necessary for -0.75 diopters?
This is always this question, but nobody except you can really answer someone.
With this strength you can see up to 1.33 m without glasses really sharp, but then it starts to be blurred.
On such a question, I would like to answer a question:
Suppose you’d have 0.00 diopters, i.e. sharp vision, in which situations do you think you’d want to see sharp from 1.33 m? Are you even on that thought? I’m sure you don’t, because you always want to see good, or could it be that you’re putting a glasses on you with +0.75 dpt, don’t you see so sharp?
This is exactly what you do as soon as you take off the glasses with -0.75 dpt. Why?
You can see if the glasses help you in everyday life.
When, or how often and how many times you want to wear your glasses, your choice is all by yourself – apart from driving the car, you need a visus of at least 0.7 and if you don’t get to it without glasses (although often the case with low short-sightedness), you would have to go with glasses.
Otherwise, as said, it is your thing as you want to handle the glasses; This has no influence on the further development of your misunderstanding.
Your optician’s recommendation to wear glasses in the office, but I can’t understand if it’s just about sph. -0.75 Dioptrien acts because you should see perfectly in the near area without glasses.
How do you know if the glasses aren’t worn in the big room office? Even if not, the FS can also use it on the PC, which is easily possible.
What is the meaning of the note for the office? Then he could have given his recommendation just as well for shopping or visiting a zoo.
In the future, I will be able to get answers to the subject of glasses to a large extent.
Well, we don’t all have the same opinion. Then it would be boring here 😉
“Office” means for me mainly “seen in the near field” and I find the explicit recommendation to wear glasses with -0.75 dioptrics, just next to and without sense. Sorry, my opinion.
The optician will have asked for his activities. That’s right.
The reference of the optician to wear glasses for car driving is more competent.
Just as needed. There are no rules for it and no “wrong” or “right”.
Personally, -0.75 would be too little to wear glasses constantly, but is a personal decision.
I’d try the glasses.