
Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und habe jetzt schon seit 3,5 Jahren eine Brille. Im 1. Jahr haben sich meine Augen verschlechtert, weil ich sie fast nie auf hatte. Seitdem ich sie immer auf habe ist meine Sehkraft immer fast gleich geblieben. Ich habe rechts 1,75 und links 2,75 Dioptrien. Wie lange habe ich die Brille zirka noch, wenn ich sie immer aufhabe?

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1 year ago

If you are short-sighted, you will no longer get rid of your misunderstanding, regardless of whether and how often you wear glasses.

Glass lenses simply correct the incident light beams during wearing such that the incident light beams arrive on the retina and at the moment a sharp image is produced. This is just physics and absolutely does not change anything about the existing short-sightedness.

In their development, it doesn’t matter if you wear glasses, because the cause of changes in vision are genetic and growth-related.

In the case of short-sighted eyes, the eyeballs are only minimally too long in relation – this is not a disease, but an anatomical angel hei, so the eyes are not “bad” or somehow defective. During growth, of course, their size increases, so the values continue to change towards minus. The conditions are reversed with far-sightedness. This is a normal thing and will only stabilise with mid/end 20, but has nothing to do with whether / how often / how rare you wear your glasses.

1 year ago

How long do I have the glasses around when I always get them up?

Forever and ever

1 year ago

In the first year, my eyes have deteriorated because I almost never had them.

That’s coincidence. With your glasses, such changes have nothing to do with.

How long do I have the glasses around when I always get them up?

Until you buy a new one.

If you’re short-sighted, you’ll stay this forever.

1 year ago

This depends on why you need the glasses so what kind of misunderstanding you have, the misunderstanding will not be better or worse just because you wear the glasses or not.

1 year ago

If you’re short-sighted, you’ll wear glasses for your whole life.

1 year ago

I got my first glasses even at that age and I’ve been a permanent spectacle wearer ever since. Whether wearing glasses or not has no effect on the development of short-sightedness.

1 year ago

Probably forever. This isn’t gonna be better by glasses.

6 months ago

The glasses you will have to wear permanently.