Briefmarke vergessen und Brief zurück bekommen?
Hi Leute, ich wollte ein Brief abschicken und habe die Briefmarke vergessen (🤦). Habe den Brief natürlich zurückbekommen und muss jetzt Entgelt zahlen. Ich wollte fragen wo ich es zahlen muss und ob ich vor dem absenden der Briefe, den kleinen Streifen entfernen kann.
You just want to separate a part of this warp and stick a stamp on the letter. Since you didn’t have a stamp on it, so not too little, but not even franked, you can also remove this note completely. An extra charge does not apply.
Can pull him down completely, because you had no brand glued at all.
The little stripe is only important if you’ve already got a brand on it and have to refresh it.
There is no punishment.
If there are no stamps on the letter, you can remove the sticker completely.
With the fee, Deutsche Post only thinks how much you have glued too little to letterporto if you don’t know.
If you want to send the letter, you need to remove the sticker and glue a normal stamp 0.85€. Then you throw the letter into the mailbox.
Can’t do anything except the little stripe. Simply re frank everything and send it away again
Best regards, Jan
Remove the sticker and frank enough. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄