Brieffreundin hat an falsche address geschickt .. was tun?
Hallo, ich habe eine Brieffreundin aus Frankreich. heute als sie mir einen Brief los geschickt hat hat sie gemerkt das sie statt meine Hausnummer 2 die Hausnummer 12 geschrieben hat .. also wird der Brief bei der Nummer 12 landen.. ich traue mich nicht es denen zu sagen (die Leute die bei Nummer 12 leben) weil mein Social anxiety kickt 🥲🥲. Was soll ich tun ??
Well, the only way you have to let the neighbor know. As long as you don’t have a neighborhood dispute or something, nothing should happen. Only your problem will be that the letter will not land at all in the mailbox of the 12 (provided it is not a single-handed letter). Because if he does his work correctly, the letter carrier will notice that name on the letter and name on the letter box does not agree. So stamp on not to arrive “receiver under specified address” -> return to the sender. We’ll have to send your letter back when he comes back. This usually takes quite a long time, about 14 days before the letter was sent back.
This goes back to the sender because the name is wrong at number 12.
For min usually.