Brief per Einschreiben verschickt dennoch wurde der Brief in die Filiale zur abholung gebracht warum?


wie der Titel schon bereits aussagt, warum wurde mein Brief (ganz normaler brief mit dokumenten) was ich per einschreiben einwurf geschickt habe , trotzdem an eine Filiale zur abholung geliefert ?

Genug entgelt war definitiv drauf, sende taeglich briefe. Das ist mir aber bis jetzt noch nie passiert ? Da ich die Einschreiben Labels direkt selber auf dem Brief klebe und Einwurf Einschreiben ankreuze kann ich ein fehler meinerseits ausschliessen.

Was hat das fuer Gruende ?

Danke im vorraus bin fuer jede Antowrt dankbar.

Viele Grüsse

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1 year ago

…the letter was sent to the branch to pick up why?

The letter could not be placed in the mailbox and a person entitled to receive was not arrived.

1 year ago

The recipient has either no publicly accessible mailbox or his mailbox was already full.

1 year ago

No mailbox (door slot) available.

Would be my only idea because it can’t be thrown in.

1 year ago

in the case of such a writing, the letter carrier acknowledges the insertion, so that this is deemed to be assigned.

and he is sent to the address that is also there. with pick-up is nix or it is up to the company that the delivery is regulated differently. e.g. only mailbox

1 year ago
Reply to  ichnixversten

Because you know the reasons, you have to ask.

I’m sure it’s suspectful. not possible

1 year ago

the letter was addressed to a person

aha, new insights that lacks info.

does not matter. as an address is the company/Filiale, and the letter is thrown in. the one who takes the letters must forward them accordingly.

1 year ago

branch, sounds like company; You know more. you have lost