Letter without an address?

Hello, can you send a letter to someone whose city you only know, not their address? I have no idea where to find their address online, but I can't just ask them or their friends because I don't want them to know that I need their address.

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2 years ago

Send to someone? You need the right name. You got him, you can go to the phone book. Or you’ll send the letter to the local registration office, explain and add a stamp for forwarding.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, the mail cannot be seen. Street and house number must be on it. Otherwise, they will not find the recipient logically (except perhaps in a village with 10 houses where everyone knows)

2 years ago

No, it doesn’t work without an exact address.

2 years ago

The mail is very good, but this letter will probably go back to the sender.

2 years ago

What is that for a brainless question

No, of course not.

2 years ago
Reply to  JonyRi

Sure. The mailman stops in the middle of the tour, sit in his DHL car, pick up a phone book, and look for your letter the name and write the address on it.
Oh, ever…

2 years ago

only with name without street does not work