Brief nsch nordkorea schicken möglich?

Was würde passieren, wenn ich einen Brief nach Nordkorea schicken würde? Würde er jemals ankommen? Würde er zuvor von einem regierungsgetreuen gelesen werden? Würde die Familie die ihn bekommt Probleme mit der Regierung bekommen? Lg

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1 year ago

The question is whether you get a response.

The GDR was also a communist country at that time and it is very well documented what happened at that time.

The Stasi has supervised the AUSLANDSPOST and partially read the letters. The letters were opened by steam and then closed again.

The TElefonate also heard and recorded the Stasi. As a fun fact, audio banks have always come out of the so-called West Packages. It was always a little faggot.

1 year ago

He would definitely arrive in North Korea, whether he arrives with the person you send him is bad to say, probably already.

I don’t think the person gets the problem, but I guess that an official will read the letter beforehand and will not forward it with problematic content.